Adam Schiff Unloads Shock Trump Prediction – And Democrat Voters Actually Believe It
Adam Schiff Unloads Shock Trump Prediction – And Democrat Voters Actually Believe It

Any claims coming from a politician are worthy of scrutiny before accepting those words as fact. Politicians are at a heightened state of saying what they believe will spark voters’ interest heading into the 2024 presidential election.

What voters must determine is whether a politician is speaking the truth or fanning the flames of political nonsense. This is bearing true with Democrats who appeared to be running scared at the thought of former President Donald Trump winning the White House again. Polls show him leading the current presidential placeholder across the nation.

One of Trump’s sworn enemies in Congress came out this week with an outlandish prediction about the 45th president if he were to win again. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said, as if it were a pre-determined fact, that Trump would “absolutely” refuse to leave office if reelected.

From the Washington Examiner:
“And if anybody has any doubt about that, they should look at what he tried to do in the last presidential election that he lost,” Schiff said. “He is making it clear again that when he loses, he will contest it. He will argue that it’s rigged and fraudulent. And he will terminate the Constitution if he’s allowed to.”

Schiff’s statements are so ludicrous that they would be funny except that Schiff is presenting his opinion as fact, and it’s likely that his fellow Democrats across the nation believe he is speaking the truth. Schiff has no way of knowing what actions Trump will take when he is in office.

But Schiff didn’t stop with just a couple of wild observations. He went further as he painted Trump as someone who makes threats and “we have seen him act on them.” Schiff went so far as to say Trump would “use the military domestically” to carry out his plan.

Schiff also compared Trump autocrats who have harshly ruled over their people throughout history, including Russian President Vladimir Putin. The senator said there is a method to “Donald Trump’s madness” where his playbook is to accuse opponents of what he’s actually doing.

“You know, Donald Trump’s argument is really not that he is not corrupt or that he’s not a liar,” Schiff said. “Rather, his argument is, ‘Everyone is corrupt, everyone are liars, but I am your crook. I am your liar. You should be with me.'”

Schiff went on pandering to the Democrat base by equating Republicans in Congress as acting similarly to Trump, particularly regarding impeachment actions against Joe Biden. He called Democrats’ two impeachments against Trump “legitimate” while disparaging the GOP.

“So, if they were to impeach Joe Biden illegitimately, why?” Schiff asked. “To dilute the stage, to accuse Biden [of] the same kind of misconduct that Trump committed when there’s absolutely no misconduct in the case.”

The way Schiff talks, it sounds like he knows the autocrat playbook better than anyone – accuse your enemy of what you are doing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Liberal California senator claims Trump won’t leave office if reelected.
  • Adam Schiff said Trump is following the “madness” of autocrats.
  • Schiff’s comments bring up question of how many people believe him.

Source: Washington Examiner

December 6, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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