Democrats have been attacking the Supreme Court ever since Trump was in office. The court has a 6-3 conservative majority thanks to the former president. This is a big problem for liberals, who have historically used the courts to ram through unpopular progressive agendas.
The left continues to come up with reasons to go after respected justices. They have not let up on Clarence Thomas, who has served for decades.
More recently, a group of Democrat lawmakers sent a nasty letter to Justice Samuel Alito. They accused him of being biased for Trump… over flags. They wanted the respected jurist to recuse himself from critical cases. That’s when he read them the riot act.
From Breitbart:
Conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito sent a letter to Democrat lawmakers on Wednesday, rejecting their demands for him to recuse himself from ongoing cases related to former President Donald Trump and January 6.Alito concluded in his letter that “a reasonable person who is not motivated by political or ideological considerations or a desire to affect the outcome of Supreme Court cases would conclude” that the events “[do] not meet the applicable standard for recusal.”
“I am therefore duty-bound to reject your recusal request,” he wrote.
Justice Alito struck down a demand from leftist lawmakers to recuse himself from Trump cases. They claimed that because he had an upside-down American flag and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag at his home, he was somehow associated with the group involved on January 6, 2021.
There is no evidence to show Alito in any way connected to that movement or event. Democrats were grasping at straws, trying to associate flags long flown by Americans with their political enemies.
Alito explained his wife flew those flags. He stood up for his wife’s First Amendment rights and explained how liberals have targeted her over his job. Alito’s wife has been the victim of “numerous, loud, obscene, and personally insulting protests” in front of their home. In one instance, a neighbor used a vulgar insult at her.
Alito is in no way bowing to the left’s wild demands. This is just yet another episode in the Democrats’ war with our legal system. They tried to disgrace Justices Kavanaugh and ACB when they were being vetted for the court. They have lied about Justice Thomas. And now, they tried to bully Justice Alito.
All of this is a concerted effort by Democrats to intimidate the court, so it will vote the way they want. This is far more of a threat to democracy than anything done on J6.
Key Takeaways:
- Justice Alito rejected demands by Democrats to recuse himself from Trump cases.
- Democrat lawmakers slandered the justice over flags flown at his house.
- Liberals have gone to war with the conservative majority court for years.
Source: Breitbart