From the moment Joe Biden took over the White House, things appeared to begin declining. He appointed far-left liberals and political allies to important roles in his administration. How has that worked out for America?
His head of the DOE is at war with fossil fuels. His head of the Department of Transportation was on vacation, several times when disasters struck.
But perhaps the biggest scandals are erupting from a least likely agency. This organization was created to help American heroes when they needed help the most. Instead, it has become a hotbed of corruption. And the group meant to root out problems might be the worst of all.
From Daily Wire:
The Department of Veterans Affairs office dedicated to rooting out racism and harassment is itself a “hostile, toxic work environment with a permissive culture of rampant gossiping and innuendo,” where multiple layers of top officials participated in and covered up sexual harassment, an internal agency review concluded…The 125-page report paints a shocking portrait of the 400-person diversity office, in which employees spent much of their time filing complaints against each other instead of serving veterans.
In an irony to end all ironies, the Office of Resolution Management, Diversity & Inclusion within the VA has been exposed for rampant corruption and scandals. The department is meant to discover and end accusations of racism and harassment within this agency.
But a new report has revealed its 400 employees have spent most of the time filing complaints against each other. Its leader, Deputy Assistant Secretary Harvey Johnson, actually quit after it came out that he was sweeping these problems “under the rug.”
One report claims that nine members of this office traveled to provide diversity training—when only one person was needed. Employees have been accused of “self-aggrandizing” and fighting turf wars—in an agency meant to help veterans.
All while this was going on, millions (if not billions) of tax dollars weren’t going to help provide for veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs has long been accused of wasting money and neglecting our veterans.
Under the Trump administration, major improvements were made to secure care for veterans—including a law that allowed veterans to take their VA money to the doctors of their choice.
But it seems like, under Biden, this agency has not been meant with the scrutiny it needed. Top officials were running rampant, doing everything but helping veterans.
It is unclear what President Biden will do to fix this if anything.
Key Takeaways:
- A new report exposes the rampant corruption in an office of the VA.
- This department was created to expose racism and harassment in the agency.
- The 400-person division was full of turf wars and mismanagement.
Source: Daily Wire