After Biden’s Far-Left Agenda Backfires – Joe’s Dirty Little Secret Blows Up in His Face
After Biden’s Far-Left Agenda Backfires – Joe’s Dirty Little Secret Blows Up in His Face

What’s Happening:

When Joe Biden ran for president in 2020, he promised to end America’s fossil fuel industry. After entering office, he shut down this industry by banning drilling leases on federal land.

His goal, as his staff admitted, was to force America to switch to “green” energy. But, as experts repeatedly pointed out, green energy is far from meeting the grid’s demand. Even Biden’s beloved EVs are failing to reach widespread adoption.

America still needs fossil fuels. But Biden refuses to reverse his ban. Instead, he is going to the ends of the earth to get oil–and prevent you from finding out his plans have failed.

From Just the News:
To find enough supply to meet demand, Biden has negotiated with and sometimes begged foreign producers, an effort that hasn’t gone over well with the U.S. oil and gas industry…

Most recently, Biden brokered a controversial deal with Venezuela, which is also a founding member of OPEC. The deal eases sanctions on the socialist country in exchange for its commitment to freer elections. Venezuelan oil and gas operations are some of the most polluting in the world.

Biden’s policies have made it much harder for American companies to produce oil or gas. Yet, at the same time, Biden has been going to foreign nations, begging them for more oil. He has refused to allow American companies to produce the same amount of energy as under Trump.

Instead, he has gone to Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and other OPEC member nations. Biden has even been accused of easing sanctions on hostile Iran–perhaps hoping it would produce more oil and increase global supplies.

Some critics believe Biden’s failing foreign policies have been influenced by his desire to get more oil. With American companies unable to produce enough oil to meet demand, Biden is depending on other countries to fill the need.

It is possible he has not been as hard on some of these countries as he should be, given human rights violations and open hostility–so OPEC will ramp up oil production.

These are odd decisions, coming from an administration that is so keen on making America “green.” Americans will no doubt scoff at how Biden’s gone to such great lengths to encourage foreign oil production while preventing American companies from profiting.

Venezuela is notorious for its heavily polluting oil and gas operations. Biden has shut down American fossil fuel production, claiming it harms the environment. Yet he is negotiating with nations that are far less environmentally responsible than the U.S.

Will all this hypocrisy end up hurting Biden’s re-election chances? That remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s green agenda has failed to reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Instead of reopening American energy production, he has begged foreign nations for oil.
  • Biden might be going soft on hostile regimes like Iran, in the hopes of increasing global oil supply.

Source: Just the News

October 30, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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