Biden Slammed for Stunning ‘Axis’ Move – Look Who He Invited to Top Security Site
Biden Slammed for Stunning ‘Axis’ Move – Look Who He Invited to Top Security Site

What’s Happening:

Americans have been very critical of President Biden’s foreign policy. Some have blamed him for growing conflict around the world.

The border crisis has raised larger concerns over America’s national security. And recent events over the last year have made Americans very worried about one particular threat.

It does not appear that the Biden administration has done anything to confront this threat. And now, it looks like he just made it much worse.

From Fox News:
Bloomberg reported in September that the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration invited Chinese and Russian officials to tour the site to prove the U.S. is upholding a three-decade moratorium against testing nuclear weapons…

“At a time when our adversaries are growing their nuclear stockpiles to undermine America’s leadership, allowing them access to one of our nuclear test sites will only advance this pursuit and lead to our own destruction,” [GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik] continued.

In a move that will shock many Americans, Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm invited Russian and Chinese officials to a nuclear site. The Biden official provided “unprecedented access” to the DOE’s Nevada National Security Site.

This comes as many worry about China’s increasing hostility toward America. Just this year, China flew a balloon across the United States. Military forces confirmed it was taking pictures and sending them back to China.

Biden himself has spent nearly two years condemning Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Yet his administration welcomed the nation to look at the U.S.’s nuclear capabilities.

Granholm’s competence has been questioned repeatedly in the past. She laughed at a reporter when asked about fixing America’s gas crisis. Critics blame her for the Biden administration’s attempts at banning natural gas stoves and other appliances.

And whistleblowers revealed Granholm held stock in an EV company which the DOE has partnered with.

Republicans are demanding answers as to why Granholm let two hostile nations access to the United State’s nuclear testing apparatus. As fears of global war mount, Republicans are saying it is unacceptable that the administration allowed this.

America is in a sort of proxy war with Russia over Ukraine. And many fear China will soon invade Taiwan. To allow these officials onto secure U.S. sites seems unthinkable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s Energy Secretary invited Russian and Chinese officials to a nuclear testing site.
  • Republicans blasted the move, warning about the threats of both countries.
  • Both Russia and China have acted aggressively towards the U.S. and its allies in recent years.

Source: Fox News

November 9, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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