Biden Suddenly Faces Nightmare Report – And It Could Cost Him Huge in 2024
By Mick Farthing|January 9, 2024
Biden Suddenly Faces Nightmare Report – And It Could Cost Him Huge in 2024

In recent months, the Biden campaign has received some bad news. Polls show Donald Trump beating him, even in critical battleground states. On top of this, Biden continues to see terrible approval numbers, among must-win groups.

But it looks like things are only getting worse for the aging Democrat.

One particular group Biden must win if he expects to remain in office. But recent reports suggest this voting bloc is souring on the president, big time. Now, Biden’s campaign is all but panicking, as discontentment is resulting in a very serious problem.

From Breitbart:
The Biden campaign is reportedly not reaching its black surrogate recruitment numbers, highlighting President Joe Biden’s sinking popularity among the historically important demographic for Democrats…

“The party has struggled to replicate Obama-era turnout and margins with Black voters since 2016, and there are some signs in recent surveys that Biden risks a further erosion in support.”

In what will come as no surprise to many Americans, Biden is struggling to recruit black surrogates. These people are vital in getting black Americans to vote for Biden in the primary and general elections.

Yet it appears his campaign is suffering a drought of black surrogates, just weeks before the first primary voting.

Democratic strategists are in panic mode, as you can imagine. Black Americans have voted for Democrats, almost exclusively, for decades. During the Obama administration, they saw incredible support among black Americans.

But Biden has seemed to do the impossible: turn black voters away from the Democratic Party. Part of the reason might be his long history of saying offensive things to black voters. But a bigger reason might be his failures in the economy.

Despite claims from the White House, Americans are still struggling financially. Inflation is reducing the average person’s spending power and millions of illegal migrants pose a huge risk to working Americans.

Black voters might be blaming Biden for their financial woes. Add to that his history of racially charged comments and his apparent cognitive decline, there might be far fewer black voters eager to go to the polls this November.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Biden campaign is struggling to recruit black surrogates going into primary voting.
  • Polls suggest support for Biden among black voters is drastically low.
  • This comes as Biden suffers from dismally low approval numbers nationwide.

Source: Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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