Biden Wore Trump 2024 Hat in Unity Gesture After Donald Supporter Confronts Him
Biden Wore Trump 2024 Hat in Unity Gesture After Donald Supporter Confronts Him

Rumors are swirling that President Joe Biden was quietly pushed out of the 2024 presidential race by his own party. While Biden officially announced his decision not to run for reelection, insiders suggest it wasn’t entirely voluntary. With sinking poll numbers and rising doubts about his ability to handle a second term, whispers have emerged that the Democratic establishment nudged him toward the exit door.

After all, Kamala Harris has been waiting in the wings, and some believe the party felt she could energize the base in ways Biden simply couldn’t.

But imagine being Joe Biden—after decades in politics, climbing to the top only to be pushed aside to make room for Harris. That’s got to sting. It’s no secret that the relationship between the two has been strained at times, with Harris’s team even leaking reports about tensions between their offices. Now, with Biden stepping back and Harris taking the spotlight, it’s not hard to picture him feeling a little bitter about the whole situation. And what better way to let that bitterness show than by making a surprising, even shocking, public gesture?

From Fox News:
A video of President Biden donning a Trump 2024 hat went viral across X with several shocked that the image was even real…

A video of Biden at the station showed the president taking the Trump 2024 campaign hat from a Trump supporter and putting it on top of his own hat, in what the White House said was a friendly gesture of unity…

“This isn’t AI it’s been confirmed by multiple outlets that it’s not AI and there is tons of live video feeds that have confirmed it,” radio host Christopher Calvin Reid said.

Enter the viral moment that’s lighting up X (formerly Twitter): President Joe Biden, in full view of cameras, casually donning a Trump 2024 hat. Yes, you read that right. The president of the United States, the man who led the charge against Donald Trump in 2020, putting on a hat promoting Trump’s 2024 campaign. It all happened when Biden visited the Shanksville Fire Station after a wreath-laying ceremony for the victims of United Airlines Flight 93. A Trump supporter offered Biden the hat, and in a move that left jaws dropping, Biden put it on, placing it right over his own hat.

The internet exploded. Was this an AI-generated image? Had someone deepfaked the president into wearing a Trump hat? Nope. The video was very real, confirmed by multiple sources. Conservative commentators had a field day with it. “At this point, even Joe Biden is voting for President Trump,” joked Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis. Others, like conservative writer Carmine Sabia, reassured the skeptics: “No, this is not AI. This is President Joe Biden donning a Trump 2024 hat.”

Naturally, the White House tried to play it cool. Andrew Bates, a senior deputy press secretary, explained that Biden wore the hat as a “gesture of unity.” According to Bates, after speaking about the bipartisan unity that followed the 9/11 attacks, Biden gave a hat to a Trump supporter, who suggested Biden return the favor by putting on a Trump cap. So, Biden briefly obliged. Nice story, but the sight of Biden in Trump gear still has many scratching their heads.

What’s more interesting is the timing. Biden, who was reportedly pushed out of the race in favor of Harris, suddenly shows up sporting a Trump hat. Is he sending a message to his own party? Could this be his way of expressing frustration at being sidelined, or is it just an awkward moment of political theater? Either way, it’s got people talking.

Conservatives, of course, are eating it up. The sight of Biden in Trump gear is something they never thought they’d see in their wildest dreams. “Joe Biden just put on a Trump 2024 campaign cap. This is not a joke… he really did,” broadcaster Piers Morgan wrote. Meanwhile, other observers jokingly wondered if Biden would now face consequences from his own Department of Justice for crossing party lines in such a symbolic way.

Whatever Biden’s motivations, the moment raises eyebrows. After all, Biden’s administration has been nothing if not hostile toward Trump’s policies, and yet, here he is, seemingly embracing his former opponent’s brand, if only for a brief moment. As the 2024 election cycle heats up, this viral video adds yet another layer of intrigue. With Harris now in the driver’s seat for the Democrats and Biden possibly feeling slighted, don’t be surprised if we see more unexpected twists like this one.

For voters, the image of Biden in a Trump hat might be a metaphor for the larger disarray within the Democratic Party. If even Biden seems to be warming up to the idea of “Make America Great Again,” what does that say about the state of the party heading into 2024? One thing’s for sure—this won’t be the last we hear of this viral moment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rumors suggest Joe Biden was quietly pushed out of the 2024 race, potentially feeling bitter about handing the spotlight to Kamala Harris.
  • A viral video shows Biden wearing a Trump 2024 hat during a visit to Shanksville, which many thought was AI-generated but was confirmed to be real.
  • The White House framed it as a “gesture of unity,” but the moment left both conservatives and Democrats questioning Biden’s motivations and its political implications.

Source: Fox News

September 12, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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