Biden’s Debate Broken Down by Body Language Expert – And 1 Insight Surprises Every American
Biden’s Debate Broken Down by Body Language Expert – And 1 Insight Surprises Every American

Presidential debates are like a high-stakes poker game, where every move and expression can make or break a candidate. They are meant to be a challenging arena where candidates must present their best personalities and mental prowess.

There have been times in past presidential debates when candidates have hit a home run with voters with now-famous quips. Others have seen their candidacies fall apart because they did not know the right answers or said one wrong thing.

Trivia Question: What major health issue did Joe Biden face during his time as Vice President? Answer at the end of the article.

During the first debate of the 2024 presidential race, former President Donald Trump made it clear he maintains a presence of power, knowledge, and unlimited confidence. Joe Biden, on the other hand, looked like a frail old man who was lost. The American people saw everything.

From Fox News:
The contrast between the pair could not have been more stark, body language expert Susan Constantine said.

“I was really concerned because the minute [Biden] walked out on that stage, I felt he [was] not feeling good,” Constantine said. “His skin was pale, it was pasty, and he literally looked like a dead man walking.”

“And the minute he forgot a couple of words, it was all over with, right, and then you could see that dropped mouth, and it was that dumbfounded look,” she explained. “His eyes would become very open and almost zombie-like. So he had that very flat stare in his eyes.”

Even people who can’t stand Biden and want him gone as president sooner than later were shocked by what they saw. All the Democrats and Biden’s leftist allies who have said for months, even years, that he is fine, strong, and capable were proven liars in a matter of minutes.

This wasn’t a “cheap fake” video clip as the White House has called previous examples of Biden’s mumbling, bumbling, and stumbling. This was live television aired around the world for everyone to see.

“And it was sad to watch. My heart broke,” Constantine said. “I mean, literally, I could have cried watching him try to force these words out the best he could, and it was just super hard to watch. The emotion that I felt, of sympathy, of empathy, because he just truly looked pathetic.”

Trump didn’t back away from Biden’s challenge to debate him, and from the moment the former president walked on stage, people knew he was serious. Trump’s mannerisms throughout the 90-minute debate—from his stance at the podium to his hand gestures, facial expressions, and the serious tone of his voice—stood out as powerful compared to Biden’s raspy old man voice and his tired and slow demeanor.

Mumbled answers, forgotten lines from the scripted responses he tried to memorize, and the blank, dazed stare into the cameras showed that Biden was not fit to be on stage or sit in the Oval Office.

Constantine said Biden was “too botoxed out,” and that created cognitive problems because it likely shut down some of his emotions through facial effects.

“It really almost felt abusive in my opinion, to literally allow him … [to] go through that kind of pressure knowing that he is in this high cognitive decline was to me, almost abusive,” Constantine said.

Democrats who are propping up Biden with praise and those keeping him upright physically were just exposed for the demented actions they will pursue to maintain power in the White House. And Americans saw what they have done.

Yet, the most troubling part of all this is the sheer denial from Biden’s camp. It’s clear as day that Joe Biden is not fit to lead, and it’s shocking to see how far his supporters will go to prop him up. They are ignoring reality and endangering the country in the process.

This debate should serve as a wake-up call to every American—our nation’s future is at stake, and we cannot afford to ignore the obvious any longer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Body language expert said Biden looked “like a dead man walking” at the debate.
  • She said the entire event made Biden look less presidential and more “zombie-like.”
  • The expert relayed the sadness she felt because Biden looked like he was being abused.

Trivia Answer: Joe Biden faced a brain aneurysm during his time as Vice President.

Source: Fox News

June 29, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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