Biden Devastated by Top Dem Governor – She Just Delivered the Death Blow to Joe’s Chances
Biden Devastated by Top Dem Governor – She Just Delivered the Death Blow to Joe’s Chances

Imagine you’re in a sinking ship, and the captain seems utterly oblivious. That’s the current state of the Democratic Party with Joe Biden at the helm. Last week’s 2024 debate was devastating for Biden and the party.

Joe has been exposed as struggling significantly with mental issues, probably dementia, and it couldn’t come at worse timing as he has almost all DNC delegates and plans to be officially nominated in just weeks. The liberal media have finally decided not to cover up Biden’s problems, and politicians are already sensing the winds are shifting.

Trivia Question: What year did Michigan become a state? Answer at the end of the article.

Well, many are looking to Democratic state governors to replace Biden, but one governor has terrible news for Joe: Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. She has been talked up as a presidential candidate, but privately she has done worse than deny it.

From Politico:
Whitmer, recognizing as much, disavowed the Draft Gretch chatter. She used the call to reiterate her commitment and willingness to help the president but also voiced her concern about how much more difficult the campaign would be now for Biden, I’m told by a person familiar with the call.

Even more revealing is how word of the call reached me: from someone close to a potential 2028 Whitmer rival for the Democratic presidential nomination. This person said Whitmer had phoned O’Malley Dillon with more of an unambiguous SOS: to relay that Michigan, in the wake of the debate, was no longer winnable for Biden.

So, there you have it. Even Gretchen Whitmer, one of the Democratic Party’s rising stars, is sounding the alarm. She knows Michigan is slipping away. This is the same state that helped secure Biden’s victory in 2020. If Whitmer is worried, then Democrats should be in full-blown panic mode.

Biden’s decline is obvious to anyone paying attention. But the Democrats have been sticking their heads in the sand. They’ve been hoping that the media and a few good speeches could cover up what’s plainly clear: Joe Biden is not fit for another term. And now, they’re starting to realize it too late.

Michigan in Play

Michigan has been a battleground state for years. It’s a state that can swing an election. In 2016, Trump shocked the nation by winning Michigan. In 2020, Biden took it back. But now, with Biden’s failing health and lackluster performance, Michigan is back in play.

And if Democrats lose Michigan, experts such Nate Silver at 538 are claiming Biden cannot win the election. In fact, he absolutely must win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and Trump has been polling in a dead heat or ahead in all 3, even before the debate.

What’s the Democratic Party going to do now? They’ve hitched their wagon to Biden, and it’s not looking good. They might try to rally around another candidate, but who? Kamala Harris has been a disaster. Pete Buttigieg? Please. The Democrats are running out of options, and fast.

Trump’s Advantage

Let’s not forget, Trump is still very much in the game. He’s been campaigning hard and has a solid base of support. If Biden continues to flounder, Trump will easily take advantage and secure another term. The Democrats’ infighting and lack of a clear plan could hand the election to Trump on a silver platter, as well as taking the Senate and increasing a House majority.

This isn’t just about one state or one election. This is about the direction of the country. The Democrats have been pushing a far-left agenda that many Americans simply do not support. The backlash has been building, and Biden’s failures are the tipping point.

So, folks, what do you think? Is Biden done for? Will Michigan swing back to the GOP? Let me know your thoughts. The 2024 election is shaping up to be one for the history books.

Key Takeaways

  • Gretchen Whitmer is worried that Michigan is unwinnable for Biden after the disastrous debate.
  • Biden’s failing health and poor performance are becoming too obvious to ignore.
  • The Democratic Party is scrambling to find a solution as Trump remains a strong contender.

Trivia Answer: Michigan became a state in 1837.

Source: Politico

July 1, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
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