Joe Biden let loose an angry tirade last week during his State of the Union campaign speech. He wanted to show the world that he could hammer out a lengthy oration and stand firm until the end.
Then he hit the campaign trail and continued blasting his message. And that meant he mumbled with greater force and made more gaffes that will turn into campaign memes for the GOP.
Biden’s determination to show his version of presidential prowess may be the best thing for former President Donal Trump as the 2024 presidential election draws nearer. Biden couldn’t hold it together for more than a few hours after his angry speech which forbodes what he’ll likely screw up over the next eight months.
From Fox News:
Just one day after President Biden delivered a State of the Union address many liberals said put to rest questions about his mental fitness, the president raised eyebrows with several gaffes in Pennsylvania.“Pennsylvania, I have a message for you: Send me to Congress!” Biden shouted at one point, appearing to mix up the office he’s running for. He was a six-term U.S. senator representing Delaware in Congress before he became vice president in 2008.
Later in his remarks, Biden said, “we cut the deficit and we added more to the national debt than any president in his term in all of history, than under Donald Trump.”
Trump’s campaign staffers don’t have to fabricate this stuff as the election heats up. Biden delivers all the campaign tidbits to expose his frailties and failures by his own admission.
These gaffes are even juicier considering Biden was speaking at a middle school in Pennsylvania during his first swing state campaign stop. He made his best pitch in a state that could be the tipping point this November and his pitch flopped. His campaign promises at this point are being drowned out by his gaffes.
The Republican National Committee opposition research account picked up on the miscues and shared them far and wide on the X social media platform. Biden’s gaffes, which included at first saying the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riots happened on “July 6,” are fodder for questioning his age and mental fitness.
At age 81, Biden did earn praise from many liberals and mainstream media for their interpretation of his angry State of the Union performance as “energetic.” His media allies mocked detractors of his vitality.
Republicans shot back, questioning why Biden kept shouting to emphasize certain points. They noted that he spoke very fast during parts of the speech and appeared to slur some words.
“A lot of the time it was hard to understand what he was saying,” said House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good, R-Va. “He was kind of mumbling and slurring.”
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, pointed out that the president’s congressional address was “reminiscent of an old, angry man standing on his porch screaming ‘get off my front lawn.’”
Hopefully voters will make sure Biden stays off the White House lawn after next January.
Key Takeaways:
- Joe Biden made horrible gaffes about running for Congress and increasing the debt.
- The incumbent showed how he can’t remember what election he is running in this year.
- The bumbling president also publicly took credit for helping run up the national debt.
Source: Fox News