Biden-Harris Approaches New Record, Highest Improper Payments in Single Term of $1T
By James Conrad|September 27, 2024
Biden-Harris Approaches New Record, Highest Improper Payments in Single Term of $1T

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have shattered several shameful records during the disastrous four years that they have been in power. Their latest dubious accomplishment, however, might just be their worst one yet.

Like most sleazy liberal politicians, Biden and Harris have no problem spending money like crazy. Despite the massive debt our country has been facing for years, Biden and Harris have continued to carelessly spend our tax dollars on their woke agendas.

This has now come back to bite them in a big way. A new watchdog report has indicated that Biden and Harris are about to surpass $1 trillion in inflation-adjusted improper payments.

From Daily Wire:
That puts the administration on track to break the record for the highest amount of improper payments in a single presidential term, Open The Books found. Improper payments, which are “made by the government to the wrong person, in the wrong amount, or for the wrong reason,” are forms of wasteful government spending that include underpayments, overpayments, administrative errors, and in some cases, fraud.

Open The Books’ analysis found that over $764 billion in improper payments — $800 billion when adjusted for inflation — has been expended by the Biden-Harris administration in the first three fiscal years. That means taxpayer funds have been wasted at a rate of $7,500 per second — $450,000 every minute.

According to Open The Books, the current administration is set to surpass a whopping $1 trillion in improper payments before the end of Biden’s term. This would be a new record if it comes to pass.

“Leadership occasionally pays lip service to tamping down improper payments, but it’s obvious: the more we spend, the more mistakes get made,” said a spokesman for Open The Books. “We need to have greater accountability for mitigating the losses and give Congress the tools to troubleshoot the problem.”

Harris Doesn’t Want You To See This

This is the kind of report that Harris doesn’t want voters to see right now. Since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, she’s tried to distance herself from Biden by nonsensically running a campaign based on “change.” Harris wants voters to forget that she’s spent the past four years being part of one of the least popular and destructive administrations of all time.

The reality is that if Harris wins this election, it’s likely that nothing will “change” at all. Harris has had four years to bring about “change.” Instead, she’s run this country into the ground with Biden by spending as much money as she possibly can.

If Harris becomes president, it’s clear that this spending will get even worse. America quite literally cannot afford for this to happen.

In Biden and Harris’ America, the economy is in shambles, and inflation is at an all-time high. Thanks largely to them, millions of Americans are struggling just to put food on the table. Meanwhile, Biden and Harris continue to spend our money without a care in the world.

This just goes to show once again that the stakes of this presidential election could not be any higher. This overzealous spending needs to end, and Donald Trump is the only candidate who will do that.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Biden and Harris set to top $1 trillion in improper payments.
  • This would be a record.
  • Biden and Harris’ spending has been out of control.

Source: Daily Wire

James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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