Kamala & Joe Criticized for Leaking Israel’s Incursion into Lebanon
By Mick Farthing|October 1, 2024
Kamala & Joe Criticized for Leaking Israel’s Incursion into Lebanon

The Biden-Harris administration’s foreign policy has been nothing short of disastrous. From Afghanistan to Ukraine, their failures on the global stage have led to chaos, instability, and war. The administration has not only alienated key allies but has also emboldened adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran.

Their lack of decisive action and leadership has created a power vacuum that rogue states and terrorist groups are all too eager to fill. The consequences of Biden’s missteps are being felt worldwide, and the repercussions could last for decades.

It’s no surprise that America’s allies feel abandoned. Israel, one of the U.S.’s most crucial partners in the Middle East, has seen this administration repeatedly drop the ball. When Israel needed strong support, Biden and Harris wavered. Whether it was withholding military aid or failing to take a firm stance against Hezbollah and Hamas, this administration has been missing in action. Now, they are responsible for this shocking turn.

From Daily Wire:
As Israel prepared its ground invasion of Lebanon to dismantle the terrorist group Hezbollah, the Biden-Harris administration leaked the plans to the press, catalyzing harsh reaction on social media.

The latest example is a shocking one: as Israel prepared to dismantle the terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Biden administration leaked the plans. Let that sink in. Sensitive, military plans, leaked by the very administration that claims to be an ally of Israel. It’s betrayal, plain and simple.

On Monday, the Biden-Harris administration leaked Israel’s plans for a limited ground invasion of Lebanon to the press. According to The Washington Post, Israel had informed Washington of its intent to launch an operation focused on clearing out militant infrastructure along the border to protect its citizens.

This operation, smaller than the 2006 war with Hezbollah, was vital for Israeli security. But instead of keeping this information confidential, someone in the U.S. government leaked it, putting Israel’s strategy at risk.

Social media erupted in outrage. The administration’s betrayal is part of a pattern. This isn’t the first time-sensitive information about Israel’s military operations has been leaked under Biden’s watch.

And it’s certainly not the first time the Democrats have undermined Israel’s war efforts. Whether it’s withholding military aid or failing to act swiftly in defense of an ally, this administration continually fails Israel and other U.S. partners.

A History of Undermining Israel

The Biden-Harris administration’s betrayal of Israel isn’t a new phenomenon. In fact, it mirrors the same damaging policies seen during the Obama-Biden years. Back then, too, critical information about Israeli military operations was leaked, and the results were catastrophic.

From leaking details about Israel’s cooperation with Saudi Arabia to sharing information about their strikes on Iranian targets, the pattern of undermining Israel is well-documented. These leaks not only erode trust but also put lives at risk.

Take, for example, the time in 2021 when the Biden administration leaked details of Israel’s attack on the Iranian ship Saviz. This sensitive information was handed to the press, showing the world Israel’s military hand.

Or back in 2010, when then-Vice President Biden saw the worst U.S.-Israel relations crisis in decades, as the Obama administration continuously leaked Israeli military operations. Biden has a long history of being on the wrong side of Israel’s security interests, and his current administration is no different.

Social Media Backlash

The reaction to this latest leak has been explosive. Even prominent figures like Elon Musk voiced their disbelief, slamming the Biden administration for their recklessness. Israel’s supporters around the world are rightfully outraged, and for good reason. This isn’t just about a botched operation—this is about trust.

When an administration leaks sensitive information, it compromises the safety of those on the ground. It weakens relationships with allies and emboldens enemies.

Trump’s Strong Leadership

Contrast this with Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy. Under Trump, Israel had a reliable partner. Military aid was never withheld, and Trump’s administration respected Israel’s sovereignty. From recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to brokering historic peace deals in the Middle East, Trump demonstrated real leadership on the global stage.

There were no leaks, no undermining of allies, and no hesitations when it came to standing with Israel. The difference is clear. Trump put America and its allies first, while the Biden-Harris administration stumbles from one foreign policy disaster to the next.

Conclusion: America Deserves Better

The Biden-Harris administration’s track record on the global stage is one of incompetence, betrayal, and failure. From leaking sensitive Israeli military plans to failing to support our allies when it matters most, this administration is showing the world that America is no longer a reliable partner.

The consequences of their actions will have long-lasting effects on global stability and security.

Americans—and our allies—deserve better leadership. They deserve a leader who doesn’t leak sensitive military plans to the press.

They deserve a leader who stands with our allies and keeps our enemies in check. Donald Trump has shown that strong leadership can restore America’s standing in the world. The 2024 election can’t come soon enough.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Biden-Harris administration leaked Israel’s military plans, putting their operation at risk.
  • This is part of a pattern of undermining Israel, similar to leaks during the Obama-Biden years.
  • Trump provided strong support for Israel, with no leaks or betrayals, reinforcing America’s reliability as an ally.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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