Biden’s Secret Illegals Scandal Exposed – Here’s What Joe Quietly Canceled for Migrants
Biden’s Secret Illegals Scandal Exposed – Here’s What Joe Quietly Canceled for Migrants

For Biden’s entire presidency, he has been hiding a concerning plan that could undermine the foundations of the American experiment. Like a shell game huckster working a street corner, while the audience is watching one hand, the other hand is getting away with unseen trickery. Biden seems to have mastered his hustle against the American people.

Biden’s plot to dismantle the U.S. border and allow unfettered access into the country for illegal immigrants has created a crisis affecting every state and most major cities. This is his signature legacy as president, a grift that will affect the nation for generations.

Biden secretly took his hustle to a new level when it comes to illegal immigrants. He just gave the border crossers access to the country with the stroke of his pen.

From The Daily Wire:
The Biden administration canceled over 350,000 asylum cases, allowing migrants to stay in the United States indefinitely in a move that experts called “mass amnesty.”

“This is just a massive amnesty under the guise of prosecutorial discretion,” Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge and current Resident Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies explained. “You’re basically allowing people who don’t have a right to be in the United States to be here indefinitely.”

The asylum shell game was exposed in an investigation by the New York Post. The Biden administration deemed these hundreds of thousands of migrants as not a threat to the country. The cases go as far back as 2022 and were “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim.” This allows the migrants to be determined as neither receiving nor having been denied asylum in the United States.

This is nothing more than an executive-level shell game to push hundreds of thousands of people one step closer to citizenship without following U.S. law.

And the number of people who could receive this “mass amnesty” is staggering. Reports show that under Biden’s watch, a shocking 77 percent of asylum seekers have been allowed to stay in the country. The current backlog of asylum seekers is reported to be more than 3.5 million.

Mass amnesty, if supported by Biden, could establish an unprecedented flood of people with a pathway to citizenship. The idea is widely supported by Democrats who have called upon Biden to act on the amnesty prospect.

Biden’s administration has overseen and perpetuated the unprecedented border crisis that has allowed a staggering flow of illegal immigrants into the country. Through the northern and southern borders, authorities have documented more than 9.5 million immigrant encounters with 1.7 million estimated illegal immigrant “gotaways.”

Estimates are that the foreign-born population living in the U.S. has hit a high of 51.6 million people under Biden. The massive increase in the last few years has been credited to Biden’s open border policies that have attracted mass illegal immigration.

The one thing holding back Biden from enacting mass amnesty may be voter polls related to the 2024 presidential election. One poll found that only 20 percent of voters believe the U.S. has control of the borders. Another poll showed that Americans trust former President Donald Trump to handle immigration more than they trust the incumbent.

Once again, Trump stands out among voters as the candidate who can get the job done and secure America’s borders and protect its citizens.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Biden administration cancelled 350,000 asylum claims of immigrants.
  • The controversial move opens the door to “mass amnesty” and citizenship.
  • There are 3.5 million more asylum seekers who could gain this advantage.

Source: The Daily Wire

June 5, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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