After Biden Hit with New Impeachment News – Joe Gets Blindsided by the American People
After Biden Hit with New Impeachment News – Joe Gets Blindsided by the American People

This week, Hunter Biden once again tried to flip the script on his family’s mounting troubles. He reneged on his pledge to appear before Congress.

Instead, he hosted a press briefing outside Capitol Hill—in a move even the MSM is criticizing.

That did not stop the House from proceeding on a major vote over the ongoing impeachment probe. Despite Hunter’s seeming obstruction, Republicans won the day.

From The Hill:
The House GOP on Wednesday formalized its impeachment inquiry into President Biden with a House vote, a step Republicans hope will add legal weight to their demands as the probe moves into a more aggressive end stage.

The House voted to approve the impeachment inquiry, 221 to 212. While the impeachment probe has been going on since September, this vote makes the process official, moving Congress closer to an actual vote to possibly impeach Joe Biden.

Soon after word came out of the vote, another survey was released. This one reveals what Americans think of President Biden’s impeachment troubles.

From Fox News:
According to the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released Wednesday, 49% of U.S. adults say they would support the House of Representatives officially launching an impeachment inquiry into Biden amid allegations of corruption within his family, compared to 48% who would not…

An impeachment inquiry is most notably supported by 24% of adults identifying as Democrats, although a majority (74%) would still be opposed.

A new poll shows that 49% of Americans approve of the House’s impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. That is up from October, where 47% approve. This number includes 24% of Democrats, which will come as bad news to Biden.

Since the 2020 Election, many reports have come out that appear to implicate the Biden family in a number of crimes. Republicans maintain that Biden used his son and brothers to conduct a bribery ring. They have released numerous bank documents suggesting money laundering.

It appears the mainstream media and social networks are reluctant to protect the Bidens, as this news keeps coming out. Media outlets and social networks were blasted after word came out they suppressed damaging news about Hunter just before the 2020 Election. Today, it is unlikely the MSM will be able to totally shield the Bidens from this bad press.

Key Takeaways:

  • The House voted to officially approve of the Biden impeachment inquiry.
  • A new poll shows 49% of Americans support the probe into President Biden.
  • This comes one day after Hunter Biden refused to appear before Congress.

Source: The Hill, Fox News

December 14, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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