Biden Rocked by White House Mutiny – Staffer Makes Bold Accusation Against Joe
Biden Rocked by White House Mutiny – Staffer Makes Bold Accusation Against Joe

What’s Happening:

For decades, the United States has been a stalwart ally to Israel. This has brought hostility from groups who seek to destroy the one Jewish state in the world.

When Israel went to war with terror group Hamas, the Biden administration continued America’s history of supporting the nation.

But a growing number of Democrats are breaking from this norm. Progressives are slandering Israel and accusing it of doing something unthinkable. And now, someone within Biden’s own administration has made this shocking accusation against him.

From Fox News:
A woman identified as a State Department employee has used social media to accuse President Biden and his administration of being “complicit in genocide” toward the people in Gaza and warned that it could stifle his re-election chances in 2024…

“You are providing significantly more military assistance to the government that is indiscriminately attacking innocent Gazans….you are complicit in genocide.”

Sylvia Yacoub has worked within the State Department’s Bureau of Near East Affairs for over two years. After Biden posted something to X listing his administration’s efforts to aid Israel, Yacoub posted a shocking criticism to her LinkedIn page.

The Biden employee claimed Israel was “indiscriminately attacking innocent Gazans,” citing no evidence. She then claimed Biden is “complicit in genocide.” Her comments echo sentiments by Rep. Rashida Tlaib and other pro-Palestinian Democrats.

It appears more and more people on the left are opposed to Israel’s response to the October 7 terror attacks. Some have accused Israel of lying about the 1,400+ victims of Hamas’s attack. Others seemed to suggest Israel is to blame for the atrocities, accusing it of being an “apartheid state.”

Even former President Barack Obama made a statement that could be used by anti-Israel groups.

From The Post Millennial:
On Saturday, former President Barack Obama said that “nobody’s hands are clean,” when it comes to the war between Israel and Hamas that began after the organization’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack on the Jewish nation.

Pressure is growing against Biden’s support for Israel. When he backed Ukraine’s war with Russia, he enjoyed overwhelming support from his party. But today, every decision he makes to help Israel could result in blowback.

Will this result in the administration withdrawing aid from Israel? That remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Biden administration employee accused the president of being “complicit in genocide.”
  • The State Department worker attacked Biden over support for Israel.
  • A growing number of Democrats are opposed to Israel fighting Hamas.

Source: Fox News, The Post Millennial

November 6, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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