Blue State Turns 2024 Election Upside Down – Not Even Biden Can Believe This 2024 Report
Blue State Turns 2024 Election Upside Down – Not Even Biden Can Believe This 2024 Report

Recently polls have terrified Democrats. According to many surveys, Biden’s chances in swing states is shrinking. In some states, Trump is leading by a whopping ten points. And it is unlikely Biden can do anything to turn this around.

There are about seven swing states that can decide this election. They are made up of both liberal and conservative voters who often switch sides, based on how well things are going.

Biden is in big trouble if he loses just a few of these states. But now, a new poll is coming out that has floored the Biden campaign. If this holds true, Biden has more to worry about than just swing states. He might lose far more than that.

From The Post Millennial:
Donald Trump and Joe Biden have tied in a New Hampshire poll, raising alarm bells for the Democrat candidate in the state where the Democrat candidate in presidential elections has won every year since 2000.

The NHJournal/Praecones Analytica poll found that 36.6 percent of New Hampshire voters would cast their ballot for Trump, 36.5 percent would cast their ballot for Biden, and 14.6 percent would vote for Robert F Kennedy. An Additional 12.4 percent said they wouldn’t vote for those three candidates.

According to a new poll, Trump is tied with Biden in the liberal state of New Hampshire. They both have 36.6 percent of the vote, with independent Kennedy taking in 14.6 percent.

Not only does this suggest Kennedy will qualify for the debates, but that Biden’s support in reliable states is eroding. New Hampshire has gone for the Democrat candidate for years. The last liberal to lose New Hampshire was Al Gore in 2000.

That was a long time ago. The state has certainly gotten only more liberal since then. At least, that’s what we assumed. It is possible voters in NH are so sick of Biden’s failures, that they are eager for a change. Perhaps to even bring back a man who helped their economic fortunes.

This trend isn’t exclusive to New Hampshire. We might see voters in other blue states leaning for Trump. The Republican even believes he can win New York, due to the failures and corruption of the Democratic Party.

As the border crisis continues to hurt blue states up North, we might see more voters turning to Trump. As inflation makes everything more expensive and gas prices go through the roof, even more voters could break for Trump.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump is tied with Joe Biden in a recent New Hampshire poll.
  • A Democrat hasn’t lost the state since Al Gore in 2000.
  • This comes as voters across the country sour on failure Joe Biden.

Source: The Post Millennial

May 22, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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