Blue State Dems Face Nightmare 2024 Scenario – They Never Thought They’d Have to Do This!
Blue State Dems Face Nightmare 2024 Scenario – They Never Thought They’d Have to Do This!

Trump is hitting the campaign trail hard and even Democrats are noticing Trump’s bizarre 2024 strategy. Instead of spending all his time in red or swing states—he’s going to places nobody expected. He is appearing in the inner city. He’s talking to black community leaders. And he’s holding rallies in Democratic strongholds.

Has he taken a leave of his senses? Not quite. With Biden tanking hard, Trump is eyeing new opportunities that might rewrite the political map.

Newly announced polls out of a heavy blue stronghold are terrifying Democrats. They never thought they’d have to fight for this territory. And, if they are not careful, they could lose big time. That is probably why they are spending so much money in the least likely places.

From Daily Caller:
A number of recent polls have shown former President Donald Trump polling surprisingly well in New York, a trend that could force Democrats to defend the state they have historically taken for granted…

…Trump’s popularity could boost candidates down ballot, akin to when the GOP flipped seats in the 2022 midterm elections thanks in part to a strong showing at the top of the ticket from gubernatorial challenger Lee Zeldin…

“This dynamic is forcing Democrats to spend tens of millions of dollars in a state they took for granted just four years ago.”

Trump is doing so well in the state of New York that Democrats are getting very worried. He held a rally in the South Bronx that brought out around 25,000 people. He visited voters in the inner city, promising to turn things around for them. This new strategy from Trump has connected with black voters in a way that he hadn’t before and now he is seeing a surge of support.

Democrats are spending tens of millions of dollars in ads in New York. While it is unknown if Trump can flip the state himself, liberals are scared of what this could mean for down-ballot elections. Dissatisfaction over Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams could provoke voters to elect conservative leaders at the state and local levels, and maybe nationally too.

Already, we’ve seen New York move to the right. In 2022, many districts shifted away from the far left. Even AOC, a socialist, raised the alarm. That trend is certain to continue, as Biden’s policies have brought crime, thousands of illegal aliens, and rampant costs to the state.

At the very least, this is forcing Democrats to fight for a state they thought they owned, which is taking time and money away from swing states and battleground states. I call that a HUGE win!

Key Takeaways:

  • Polling suggests Trump is gaining popularity in New York.
  • This is forcing Democrats to spend millions to save local campaigns.
  • Trump is going to inner cities and competing for black voters.

Source: Daily Caller

June 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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