Blue State’s Anti-Trump Move Gets Exposed, And It’s a Blatant Assault on Our Rights
Blue State’s Anti-Trump Move Gets Exposed, And It’s a Blatant Assault on Our Rights

It is no secret that millions of Americans believe Donald Trump’s criminal conviction was a sham. They accuse Democrats of waging “lawfare” against the man, hoping to stop him from winning the election. But more than just regular Americans are saying this.

Legal experts, even on liberal media outlets, have criticized the New York trial. Some have claimed it violated law and justice.

Others have rebuked the court’s ongoing gag order against Trump, claiming it violates his rights. Claims from experts carry weight as well; they undermine the left’s narrative that Trump is a “convicted criminal.” Now, it appears a blue state Bar association is trying to shame lawyers who are speaking up for Trump.

From Daily Caller:
The Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) issued a warning Friday to public officials who speak out against former President Donald Trump’s prosecution…

The CBA leadership acknowledged that “free speech includes criticism.” The statement, however, claimed that “headlines’ grabbing, baseless allegations” made by public officials against Trump’s prosecution “have no place in the public discourse.”…

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley [said]… “What is ‘reckless’ to the Connecticut Bar is righteous to others. Notably, the Bar officials did not write to denounce attacks on figures like Bill Barr or claims that the Justice Department was rigging justice during the Trump years.”

The Connecticut Bar Association blasted lawyers who criticize the New York conviction of Donald Trump. It claims they are throwing around “unsubstantiated and reckless” comments about the trial. This association has little power to do anything about others’ comments, but it seems like an apparent attempt at intimidating lawyers and officials from speaking out against this verdict.

Jonathan Turley said the CBA was trying to “chill” public figures from speaking their opinions. The CBA said, “Free speech includes criticism,” but then it went on to try to discourage leaders from exercising their free speech rights.

Recent polls suggest only a minority of Americans believe the criminal trial was fair. Even liberals can’t ignore the fact that it was run by a Democrat prosecution, a Democrat judge, and a Democrat jury. The outcome was decided before the case again, and, unsurprisingly, so many Americans are outraged.

Despite that, the CBA took it upon itself to scold public officials for simply speaking the truth.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Connecticut Bar Association warned public officials who speak out against Trump’s prosecution, prompting criticism that it was attempting to stifle free speech.
  • It’s attempt to discourage criticism could be an intimidation tactic to prevent officials from expressing their opinions freely.
  • Many have questioned the fairness of the trial, citing the political affiliations of those involved in the prosecution and judgment.

Source: Daily Caller

June 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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