Border Boss Crushed by Historic House Vote – This Just Hit Him Where It Hurts Most
Border Boss Crushed by Historic House Vote – This Just Hit Him Where It Hurts Most

The halls of Congress were buzzing with anticipation as lawmakers prepared for a crucial vote. The political tension was palpable, and the stakes were higher than ever. With the country facing numerous challenges, every decision on Capitol Hill seemed to carry significant weight. It was clear that this vote would be no exception.

The House of Representatives is trying to pass a funding bill for a top government agency. It is the Republicans’ chance to send a message to Joe Biden about his failed presidency.

For weeks, discussions had been intensifying, with members of Congress deeply divided over what to do. Some saw it as an opportunity to address long-standing stemming from Biden’s White House. Others viewed it as a chance to make a bold statement. The House decided to set its sights on one man.

From Fox News:
The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to block Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ salary.

It was an amendment by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., for the House’s appropriations bill funding the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for fiscal year 2025, that would block funds in the bill from being used to pay Mayorkas…

The appropriations bill itself is expected to get a final vote on Friday, though it’s highly unlikely to be taken up by the Democrat-led Senate.

The White House has already threatened to veto the measure if it got to President Biden’s desk.

In a stunning turn of events, the House of Representatives voted to defund Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ salary as part of the DHS funding bill. This agency is responsible for protecting the border. Instead, under Mayorkas, it has let in 10 million illegal aliens. And, to the shock of many Americans, they want more money!

To do what? Not protect the border? This House had already impeached Mayorkas for deliberately neglecting the border, leading to a massive crisis. Now, Republicans are sending a strong message to Biden and his lackeys.

For too long, Americans have watched as the southern border crisis spiraled out of control, with little to no response from those in charge. Mayorkas has issued the memos that led to this crisis in the first place. The decision to target Mayorkas’ salary highlights a demand for accountability—even as Biden plays games with our border and laws.

But, as Fox points out, the Democrats who currently run the Senate are sure to reject this measure. Until Republicans retake both chambers of Congress, Mayorkas and his ilk will continue to make a mockery of law and order.

Key Takeaways:

  • The House voted to defund Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ salary in the DHS funding bill.
  • The move is a response to growing frustration over Mayorkas’ willful neglect of the Southern border.
  • Mayorkas is directly responsible for the border crisis; the House voted to impeach him months ago.

Source: Fox News

June 27, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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