After Clarence Thomas Hit by Sick Accusation – New Report Quickly Sets the Record Straight
By Sean Kerrvin|August 21, 2023
After Clarence Thomas Hit by Sick Accusation – New Report Quickly Sets the Record Straight

What’s Happening:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been under attack by leftists because he follows the Constitution and doesn’t allow leftist ideology to influence his decisions. This burns anti-American leftists to their core, and they lash out at conservative constitutionalists like Thomas. They hold nothing back, and they don’t care about the facts.

Truth to leftists is whatever they fantasize at the moment. Their latest rage of fantasies has been promoting false stories about Thomas and how he spends his free time. Hot beds of liberal media continue to spit out stories that attack this celebrated African American justice as if he was public enemy number one.

Self-described “investigative journalism” outlet ProPublica attacked Thomas with another unsubstantiated hit piece. The “non-profit” ProPublica has been tied to numerous Democrat supporting groups that have been separately investigating Thomas and calling for his resignation.

The latest hit piece by ProPublica claimed that Thomas took part in “a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas.” The outlandish story claims that Thomas trekked around the Bahamas on a luxury yacht owned by oil baron Paul “Tony” Novelly. The facts behind the claim didn’t stand up and the piece was quickly discredited in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

From the Daily Caller:

“ProPublica’s claim that Justice Thomas was a passenger on any yacht owned by Tony Novelly, including the Le Montrachet, is completely false,” Paoletta told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “He has never ever laid eyes on this boat… There is not a shred of truth to this story.”

Paoletta made it clear that Thomas hasn’t been to the Bahamas since the 1980s – before he was on the Supreme Court – and that he’s never been there with Novelly.

ProPublica’s article contains claims 38 destination vacations that were taken by Thomas along with claims of gifts from wealthy friends. It’s all part of a coordinated leftist media effort to discredit Thomas and force him to resign. Because Thomas follows the Constitution, he is a direct threat to leftists wanting to undermine the founding document and replace it with leftist ideals.

Attacking Thomas directly also falls in line with leftist goals of undermining the high court as a credible part of our government. They’ll twist facts and outright lie to get what they want. They also want to associate conservative justices and the entire Supreme Court with questionable actions and ethics as part of their destructive media campaign. ProPublica even admits it doesn’t have the facts to support all its claims.

ProPublica notes in its article that it “has not identified any legal cases that (wealthy connections) had at the Supreme Court during their documented relationships with Thomas, although they all work in industries significantly impacted by the court’s decisions.”

ProPublica is a prime example of hating the opposition while throwing out false accusations and hoping some of them stick. Tossing facts to the wind, leftists have a narrative to spread, and they don’t care if what they report is true. Anyone who leftists consider an enemy is routinely attacked with whatever fantasy they want to create so their enemy is harmed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leftist media outlet makes false claims against Supreme Court justice.
  • People with the facts call out story without a “shred of truth” in it.
  • Claims of Justice Thomas sailing in the Bahamas sink like a rock.

Source: Daily Caller

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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