After Dem Mayor’s Luxury Spending Is Exposed – The Feds Give Her Very Bad News
After Dem Mayor’s Luxury Spending Is Exposed – The Feds Give Her Very Bad News

Recently, Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard was outed for luxury spending. Despite being mayor of a low-income community, she was accused of taking in a six-figure salary. City council members worried that she was using city money to fund a lavish lifestyle.

The mayor went on a crazed rant during a meeting, attacking anyone who called her out. But it doesn’t look like all her talk is saving her.

Perhaps the walls are closing in on this Democrat. A local business raised the alarm over what she allegedly tried to do to them. And now, the federal government is taking an interest in this Biden buddy.

From Fox News:
The FBI is reportedly probing misconduct allegations regarding Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard after a local business owner claimed he was punished for refusing to donate to an event the mayor held…

According to FOX 32, a Dolton-based U-Haul rental and trucking business owner named Lawrence Gardner said he went to the FBI out of frustration that the Village of Dolton would not renew his business license. He claims he has suffered from harassment, raids on his business and being shut down by Dolton Police. Gardner believes it’s retaliation after he refused to donate to a civic event sponsored by Henyard.

Mayor Henyard was exposed in recent reports over earning a combined $300K a year salary, despite leading a town whose average income is $24K. She has also been criticized for using city funds for personal use.

Now, a U-Haul rental company called on the FBI over possible corrupt moves by the mayor. The business owner said it refused to donate to a civic event being led by Henyard. Soon after, his business was apparently targeted by the city.

The Village of Dolton refused to renew his business license. According to the owner, he has suffered harassment, raids, and shutdowns from the police.

The business owner, Lawrence Gardner, spoke with FBI agents. He provided them with all his paperwork as well as court proceedings. They told him they took his allegations seriously saying, “Yes. Very serious. Very.”

This new development only adds fuel to the fire over this Democrat mayor. It is possible she was abusing her position within this town to get rich and powerful. When people tried to confront her, she ranted and screamed thinking—perhaps—it would silence them.

But if Gardner’s allegations are true, Henyard might have run out of chances. The FBI could take down this mayor, and hard.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrat mayor accused of corruption is being investigated by the FBI.
  • Mayor Henyard of Dolton, Illinois has been accused of harassing a business for not donating to an event.
  • The FBI reportedly said they are taking the case “very seriously.”

Source: Fox News

February 22, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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