Democrat-Run Cities Hit With Disaster Report: They’re Rapidly Losing 1 Critical Thing
Democrat-Run Cities Hit With Disaster Report: They’re Rapidly Losing 1 Critical Thing

Some Americans say Democrats have been doing everything they can to undermine the foundation of culture in this country. From political ideology to schools to policing, they have worked to upend what has kept the country together for centuries.

Now, what the entire country is seeing is the effects of this unraveling in real time. Many maintain that Democrat-run cities are falling apart, and they don’t have a plan to stop what’s happening.

The unraveling is front-and-center in urban areas where leftists defunded the police: Departments have been devastated and the leftists can’t get enough officers back in the ranks to properly protect the people.

From the Daily Caller:
Some of the largest Democrat-run cities in the country saw their police forces shrink as they grappled with persistently high homicide rates following the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of Census Bureau data.

New York City, Los Angeles, Portland, Austin and Washington, D.C., all run by Democrats, collectively had about 1,500 fewer law enforcement officers on staff in 2023 than they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a DCNF analysis of the Census Bureau’s 2019 and 2023 Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll.

One of the darling leftist cities has been at the forefront of consequences caused by leftist policing policies.

Portland city leaders bowed to racial justice activists in 2020 and slashed police funding by $15 million; this included eliminating funding for 84 police officer positions. The results of the cuts became obvious when homicides in Portland jumped by 83%. This staggering increase was among the highest of any major city that year.

And who led the charge for cutting the police? Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler championed the measures as he joined the screaming leftists for law enforcement cuts. Less than a year later, he changed his mind as law and order suffered, and he tried to return some of the funds to the Portland police department.

In the end, it appears as if the decision to cut out cops to pacify leftists didn’t work the way Democrats expected. Instead of endearing them to the public, people packed up and left the city.

Crime has held persistently high in the leftist-run city, and thousands of residents have opted to leave Portland. The city lost more than 4,000 residents between July 2022 and July 2023.

This trend can be seen in major cities across the country where Democrats enact their anti-police policies and then sit back and watch crime increase and the quality of life for law-abiding citizens decrease. It even happens in Republican-controlled states where the big cities are run by Democrats.

Austin lost 104 police officers between 2019 and 2023. This coincided with its homicide rate jumping by 76% during that period and Democrats cutting the police budget by roughly a third in 2020.

Crime was so rampant in Austin that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, sent in state police to aid Austin as it faced a police staffing shortage in March 2023. Fighting crime was too much for the city leaders who pushed to end that partnership after data showed state police were disproportionately arresting Black and Hispanic residents. State police eventually pulled out in December 2023.

Leftists put in place policies to cut the police and now they’re forcing the negative consequences of their actions on innocent people. November will show whether the people in these cities wake up and use the power of their vote to stop all this or they, too, bow to the crime-supporting leftists they put in office.

Key Takeaways:

  • Police officers left Democrat-run cities in huge numbers due to leftist policies.
  • Major crime in large cities that cut police funds jumped to staggering levels.
  • Democrats have been forced to reverse course as crime got out of hand.

Source: Daily Caller

June 22, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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