Democrat Senators Getting Worried over Surging Trump Support – ‘It’s Going To Be Close…’
Democrat Senators Getting Worried over Surging Trump Support – ‘It’s Going To Be Close…’

In the weeks since Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee, there has been a certain smugness in the air among Democrats. In public, Democrat officials have been pushing the narrative that Harris has this race in the bag and that there’s no way she could lose to Donald Trump.

Behind the scenes, however, it seems that Democrats are singing a very different tune. New reports indicate that with just six weeks to go until the election, Democrats are going into panic mode when it comes to how much support Trump may actually have.

While the latest polls have been in Harris’ favor, polls have never been accurate when it comes to Trump support. Indeed, in both 2016 and 2020, Trump performed far better than the polls had indicated that he would beforehand. Democrats are reportedly now becoming increasingly terrified that history is about to repeat itself.

From Daily Wire:
The margin between Harris and Trump is closer than Biden’s lead over Trump at this point in 2020 (7 points) and Hillary Clinton’s lead at this point in 2016 (3 points).

“That’s ominous,” said one anonymous Democratic senator while discussing how Trump is performing better in the polls against Harris. “There’s no question that is concerning, but you’re working as hard as you can work, no matter what. My sense there’s not a lot more you can do than we’re already doing.”

The lawmaker added that he thinks undercounting of Trump’s support may be due to people feeling “embarrassed.”

“Most of what he preaches, most of us have taught our children to try to not be that way on the playground,” the senator said. “So there’s a certain amount of reluctance to admit I’m going to vote for somebody whose conduct I tell my children is wrong.”

Democrats Admit That Polls Don’t Mean Much

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) was quick to agree with this sentiment. He admitted that polling has “been seriously damaged since 2016.”

“I don’t think any poll right now means much of anything,” said another Democrat senator who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

It seems that Democrats are finally starting to worry that the 2016 effect is happening again when it comes to Trump. The mainstream media is blindly in Harris’ corner just as they were for Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Heading into 2016’s Election Day, they were treating Clinton like she was already president, as they felt that there was no chance that Trump would even come close to defeating her.

Of course, the joke was on them, as Trump beat Clinton in key battleground states, winning him the election. Harris could easily be in for the same fate come Election Day.

Democrats and the mainstream media alike have good reason to worry if Trump does indeed defeat Harris. The leftwing political and media machines have gone so overboard in worshipping Harris that they will look incredibly stupid if she does in fact end up losing to Trump. After they were so confident in Harris’ chances, how would anyone be able to trust the left again if she ended this race as a loser?

The Democrat establishment may be projecting confidence about Harris in public, but in private, it’s clearly a very different story. We can only hope that come November, the left’s nightmares about this election become a reality.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrat senators are privately panicking over Trump support.
  • Democrats are privately admitting that the polls aren’t accurate.
  • The 2016 effect may be at play once again.

Source: Daily Wire

September 25, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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