Top Democrat Makes 1 Insane Demand – But It’s Her “Ventriloquist Aide” That Drops Jaws
By Mick Farthing|July 24, 2023
Top Democrat Makes 1 Insane Demand – But It’s Her “Ventriloquist Aide” That Drops Jaws

What’s Happening:

If you ever wondered what is really going on in Congress, you need to read this. Democrats are fighting like the devil to get as much power over the country as possible. We’re not just talking about retaking the House in 2024 and expanding their control over the Senate. They want to be able to decide what you can or can’t say. In fact, one member of Congress, a delegate from the Virgin Islands, doesn’t think you should decide what is truth or not.

From Trending Politics:

Democratic Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett, a non-voting delegate from the U.S. Virgin Islands, said the quiet part out loud…

“… It’s not that we’re not stopping people from speaking [sic], people can speak, but we’re also going to give the American people the truth so that they can have science and facts and history against wild, outlandish claims that the Republicans are trying to get.”

Oh! That’s all that Democrats want to do? Tell us what is or isn’t true, so we don’t get deceived by those vile Republicans… who just so happen to threaten the left’s power?

Apparently, Plaskett doesn’t mind you saying what you want, just so long as it isn’t “untruths” that she doesn’t disagree with. More disturbingly though, is the fact that this woman isn’t even coming up with her own truths herself.

A recent clip from her speech at the House reveals she is nothing more than a puppet… for one of her aids.

From Not the Bee:

Rep. Plaskett’s aide lip-synced her boss’s entire speech with crazy eyes (then corrected her) and it’s giving me real puppet-master vibes…

At first, she’s upset when Congresswoman Plaskett makes an error in her speech. She looks annoyed, turns her head away, and “picks” at her hair.

Then, she leans in to let Plaskett know she made a mistake.

Based on this clip, one of Plaskett’s aides is seen mouthing her entire speech. She knows it so well, that she stops Plaskett to correct her when she messes up. Uh… so I guess it’s safe to say this Democrat who wants to tell you what “truth” is doesn’t even think for herself.

This robotic-like aide wrote this speech and even memorized it. And Plaskett–the elected official–is just parroting what this young woman told her to say.

So, who’s really in charge? And who is going to tell us what is or isn’t true? Who is this aide? And who is she working for? Not the American public, but perhaps someone whose name rhymes with Borge Foros?

Imagine how many puppet masters like this work for Joe Biden?

Key Takeaways:

  • Congresswoman Plaskett called for the government to decide what is truth, and to control Americans’ speech.
  • During a hearing, she is seen reading a speech memorized by one of her aides.
  • It appears the congresswoman was merely parroting what her aide told her to say.

Source: Trending Politics, Not the Bee

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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