Civil unrest in foreign countries has fueled the surge of illegal immigrants flooding into the United States. More are on the way as problems flair on another Caribbean island nation.
Haiti is suffering under societal collapse and people there are fleeing the increased violence. Like so many others around the world, Haitians are expected to flee their country and arrive in the U.S. illegally.
A mass exodus from Haiti could easily overwhelm border states trying to deal with an already overwhelming border crisis. One Republican governor had a harsh message for Haitians making their way to the Sunshine State.
From The Daily Wire:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said this week that Haitians who illegally enter the U.S. through Florida might be sent by the state to the liberal enclave of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.DeSantis said that it was vital that the state of Florida interdict any vessel carrying illegal aliens before they hit the state’s shores because the state can’t push them back across the border like the state of Texas can since it borders Mexico.
Haiti is on the verge of total collapse after hyper-violent gangs took over much of the island nation. Reports show that a massive surge of Haitians could illegally enter Florida by boat. DeSantis announced that the state has dedicated “significant resources” to combat illegal vessels heading for Florida.
Illegals from Haiti could end up in Martha’s Vineyard, DeSantis said, because he has the state transport system operational.
“No state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard’s interdiction efforts,” DeSantis said. “We cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida.”
DeSantis ordered the Division of Emergency Management, the Florida State Guard, and state law enforcement agencies to deploy more than 250 additional officers and soldiers and more than a dozen air and sea craft to the southern coast of Florida to protect the state.
The governor pointed out that Florida can’t return illegal aliens back across the border like the state of Texas. DeSantis said it is imperative that Florida stop any vessel harboring illegal aliens before they get to the state’s shores.
Civil upheaval in Haiti went from horrible to even more horrible after gangs overran a large jail and freed thousands of criminals. This violence followed devastating events that included earthquakes and political assassinations.
As the island nation implodes, states like Florida must do what the federal government won’t and keep the flood of illegals from swamping U.S. society.
Key Takeaways:
- DeSantis unveiled plan to confront Haitian immigrants and send them to a Blue state.
- Haiti is on the verge of societal collapse and many refugees may flood into Florida.
- The governor said Haitian immigrants could be transported to Martha’s Vineyard.
Source: The Daily Wire