Eco-Nut Rushes At Construction Workers – Then A Nun Races After Him And Does The Unthinkable
Eco-Nut Rushes At Construction Workers – Then A Nun Races After Him And Does The Unthinkable

What’s Happening:

The United States isn’t the only country facing radical environmentalists. All over the world, environmental extremists stage protests and other demonstrations to disrupt building projects.

In Southern France, a group of “eco-warriors” arrived at Notre-Dame des Neiges to protest. Using tactics common to environmental activists, they tried to disrupt a construction project for this pilgrimage site.

But one of the local nuns decided to use a not-so-common tactic to disrupt the disrupters. And she has earned international fame because of it.

From Breitbart:
As cameramen from public broadcaster France 3 were filming the dispute between the militant green activist group “Zone à Défendre” (Area Defenders) and the local religious community “La Famille Missionaire de Notre Dame” (The Missionary Family of Our Lady), a nun was filmed ramming into one of the male eco-warriors and dropping him to the ground in what has been compared to an NFL or rugby-style tackle.

A nun tackled a male activist who was trying to disrupt a construction project at Notre-Dame des Neiges. She collided with the man, tackling him like an NFL pro, driving both of them to the ground.

The video of the event quickly went viral. And people are praising the nun, not only for defending the religious site but for taking down this activist like a rugby champ. Irish Freedom Party leader Herman Kelly said the nun should be playing rugby for South Africa.

Others compared the scene to medieval images of the Virgin Mary punching the devil in the face. I guess we know what they think of environmental activists!

After the daring tackle, police arrived to restore order. Numerous pilgrims have been visiting the site since 2018, requiring the construction of a sanctuary to welcome them all.

However, left-wing activists claim that the project will endanger a local flower. It appears these activists are unaware that flowers can be replanted or preserved in gardens. It is unlikely a group of nuns are eager to destroy a species of flowers.

It is possible this protest, like many others, is not about protecting the environment. Radical progressives have long shown disdain for traditional Western culture, especially Christianity. These protests might not have been about protecting a flower but persecuting a religion embraced by billions.

Key Takeaways:

  • A nun tackled a male environmental activist who was protesting a construction project.
  • The video went viral, with people praising the nun’s impressive tackling skills.
  • Environmentalists complained about the building of a sanctuary, claiming it will hurt a flower.

Source: Breitbart

October 21, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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