Comedian Michael Rapaport Confesses: After Years of Bashing Trump, He Walks It All Back
Comedian Michael Rapaport Confesses: After Years of Bashing Trump, He Walks It All Back

Imagine a world where Hollywood celebrities use their platforms to engage in political skirmishes, blurring the lines between entertainment and activism. This has become increasingly common, with stars often voicing their opinions on the nation’s most contentious issues.

One of them is actor and comedian Michael Rapaport. He has long found himself at the center of a political firestorm for his outspoken criticism of a prominent figure in the media landscape.

In today’s hyper-polarized climate, it’s not unusual for public figures to clash over differing viewpoints. These verbal battles can capture the public’s attention, sometimes overshadowing the very issues being debated. But after many years of bashing Republican president and candidate Donald Trump, Rapaport has made a bold confession.

And he is telling everyone.

From Daily Caller:
Actor and comedian Michael Rapaport walked back “talking shit” about 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Wednesday on “The Sage Steele Show.”…

Rapaport, known for his vocal opposition to Trump, told former ESPN host Sage Steele that he “was wrong” about the GOP nominee…

“I’m sure! But I was wrong about Israel, and I was wrong about economy stuff,” Rapaport said. “I was wrong. I was… and I wasn’t even wrong about Israel. I was ill-informed about how he, you know, what he did about Iran and the importance of that and how it was. Put the screws to Iran.”

Michael Rapaport’s Fiery Confession

For years, Rapaport criticized Donald Trump. During his presidency, Rapaport was particularly critical of Donald’s comments, personality, and style. But after Joe Biden and the Democrats catered to antisemitic protesters, Rapaport started to see the light. Last year, he said that voting for Trump was “on the table,” because of how Democrats were pandering to anti-Israel forces.

That seemed to be a turning point for the comedian. While on the Sage Steele Show, he remarked that he was wrong about Trump’s stance on Israel and his effect on the economy. It appears Rapaport realized that Biden has been a failure from the start. Biden’s bad policies and disastrous decisions have hurt Americans in many ways, including in their wallets. That should bother everyone, including actors and comedians, who tend to be better off than the rest of us.

A Change in Heart?

It seemed Rapaport was conflicted during the interview. He was humble enough to admit he was wrong about some of his criticisms of the president. But he was not willing to say he was going to vote for Republicans in the upcoming election. Well, if he does think Trump is the better choice, he’ll have to vote for at least one Republican! Rapaport, like most liberals, has to be honest about Biden’s failures. And Kamala Harris is not the savior the party is claiming she is. The last four years have been a train wreck for the country.

They can’t blame COVID or other factors. It has been because of Biden’s bad decisions. And Kamala is no different. She supported Biden’s policies and intends to do much the same. On top of that, she does not look competent or skilled. She is likely to be much worse than Biden, even when he was suffering cognitive decline.

A Hollywood Awakening

In the age of alternative entertainment and social media, Hollywood no longer has the stranglehold on entertainment it once had. This has freed many actors and comedians to start speaking their mind. Many comedians are openly critical of Democrats, and some endorse Republicans. Some actors have come out as conservatives, including Dennis Quaid, who recently played Ronald Reagan. Rapaport follows the likes of Joe Rogan, who unapologetically criticizes liberals and socialist policies.

Could this mean more actors and celebrities will break from the Democrat cult and support Republicans? Perhaps not all of them, but many more are sure to follow Rapaport’s lead.

Key Takeaways:

  • Comedian and actor Michael Rapaport admitted he was wrong about Donald Trump.
  • He admitted Trump was right, at least on Israel and the economy.
  • Rapaport started to endorse Trump after Biden and Democrats embraced antisemitic protesters.

Source: Daily Caller

August 3, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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