Far-Left Mayor’s Career Might Suddenly Be Over, as Furious Residents Just Revolted
Far-Left Mayor’s Career Might Suddenly Be Over, as Furious Residents Just Revolted

Many say that liberal policies around the country have devastated communities. These critics maintain that failed policies like defunding the police, becoming sanctuary cities for criminals, and not prosecuting criminals continue to hurt law-abiding citizens.

People are fed up to the point where they don’t want to wait for the next election to change leadership. Angry citizens are getting more organized and working together to create their own solutions when liberal politicians fail.

For instance, the people of Oakland, Calif., have had enough of liberal politics and they’re blaming the mayor. This ultra-liberal politician ruled at a time when crime spiked in the city, and now voters want Mayor Sheng Thao gone. Furthermore, they currently have enough backing with the “Recall Sheng Thao” campaign.

From the Daily Caller:
“[Thao] created a public safety crisis by systematically dismantling the Oakland Police Department, leading to the city’s reputation as one of the most dangerous in America,” the recall group alleges. “Lives have been lost, property destroyed, businesses have shut down, and fear and collective trauma are daily occurrences for Oaklanders. We, the concerned citizens, therefore, demand your recall for the sake of our city’s future.”

The recall effort was verified by the city clerk with 40,000 verified signatures, which met the 25,000-signature threshold. Crime in Oakland skyrocketed in 2023, when Oakland lacked a police chief for nearly a whole year, with a city-wide crime report showing motor vehicle theft was up 44%, robbery up 38%, violent crime up 21% and overall crime up 17%.

Thao was elected in 2022 with 50.3% of the vote. Thao ran on a progressive platform that included promises to reform the police, end “environmental racism” and keep abortion legal. Since then, crime surged, and she even fired Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong.

Armstrong’s firing was controversial after he was placed on administrative leave for allegedly mishandling investigations into a hit-and-run involving a police car and a weapons discharge by an officer. The recall group claims the firing was unjustified and cited an arbitrator report that exonerated Armstrong of misconduct claims.

Armstrong has mounted his own political challenge to Thao’s administration by running for city council. He cited “embarrassing” conditions in the city, and the recall group credits Thao’s decision to fire the police chief as a big part in the rise of crime.

“Your unjust termination of Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong resulted in a surge of serious and violent crimes,” the recall group said. “You failed to keep your promise to appoint a new police chief or declare a state of emergency. In short, you lack the competency, credibility, judgment and ability to lead what was once a great American city.”

Thao has tried to take credit for lowering crime in recent months, as Oakland crime in 2024 has seen a dip from last year, according to reports. Violent crime in 2024 is down 7% and overall crime down 34% from 2023, with the largest decrease being in auto burglaries, which are down 59%.

The nuance to these statistics is that the numbers are down from the high level of crime that surged under Thao’s direction. The city is far from an acceptable level of crime, according to the recall group, but it’s one step closer to eliminating the radical liberal who created the surge in lawlessness.

Key Takeaways:

  • Voters started a recall effort to oust ultra-liberal Mayor Sheng Thao of Oakland.
  • She instituted policies that caused a spike in crime and even fired the police chief.
  • Concerned citizens said they want her gone for property destroyed and lives lost.

Source: Daily Caller

June 20, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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