FBI Director Just Made a Startling Confession – And It Could Finally Prove Trump Right
FBI Director Just Made a Startling Confession – And It Could Finally Prove Trump Right

It’s no stretch to say Americans are losing faith in the FBI. Recently bombshells suggest the highest law enforcement agency in the land has been compromised over politics.

Many have criticized the FBI for its role in the DOJ’s attacks on Donald Trump. Others have commented on recent scandals, like the FBI branding Catholics as “domestic terrorists.”

But one particular scandal has left Americans outraged for years. FBI Director Wray was forced to answer about this issue–that the FBI knew Hunter Biden’s laptop was real, even as “intelligence officials” claimed it was fake. Wray said the FBI was silent… for this reason.

From The Post Millennial:
Senator John Kennedy grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray in the Senate on Tuesday, demanding to know why the agency did not come out and say that Hunter Biden’s laptop “was real” when it was reported on by the New York Post in October 2020…

“Again, we have to be very careful about what we can say— especially in the middle of an election season— because that’s precisely some of the problems that led to my predecessor’s negative findings from the inspector general,” Wray said.

According to reports, the FBI knew about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop for nearly a year before the story broke. In October 2020, the New York Post published a story about the computer, revealing some of its shocking content.

Intelligence officials (some of whom now work for President Biden) quickly signed a letter claiming the laptop was fake, produced by Russia to spread “disinformation.” Yet the FBI had known all along that the laptop was real.

But not only did they not investigate the laptop, according to earlier reports, but Wray claims the agency did not refute claims the computer was fake because it was an “election season.” This seems to suggest the agency refused to set the record straight, because of how it would affect the outcome of the election.

Many Americans will take this to mean the FBI hid the truth, to protect Joe Biden. Polls have come out suggesting many voters would not have voted for Biden, had they known about the laptop. But the claims by these intelligence officials inspired social networks to censor news about the laptop, preventing many Americans from learning about it.

The FBI could have prevented this potential violation of free speech and free press if it had come forward with what it knew. Instead, Wray seems to imply he did not want to hurt Biden’s chances–even knowing this laptop was relevant to the election.

Wray mentioned his “predecessor.” He is referring to former FBI Director James Comey, who re-opened an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server about a month before the 2016 Election. Wray seemed to imply it was wrong for Comey to do that.

But only Democrats were upset that Comey investigated Hillary Clinton. The rest of the country wanted the FBI to actually investigate allegations of crime.

It is possible Wray’s testimony will only convince more Americans that his agency is politically compromised.

Key Takeaways:

  • FBI Director Wray revealed the agency knew Hunter’s laptop was real for nearly a year before the 2020 Election.
  • The agency refused to tell the country it was real because it was an “election season.”
  • The director might have admitted the FBI was protecting Joe Biden, by hiding the truth.

Source: The Post Millennial

December 6, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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