Federal Court Rules on Catholic Farmer Case – This Decision Just Rocked Religious Freedom in America
By Sean Kerrvin|August 23, 2023
Federal Court Rules on Catholic Farmer Case – This Decision Just Rocked Religious Freedom in America

What’s Happening:

Traditional American values are essential to the future of our country. Combined with capitalism “faith, family and country” have created the greatest nation in history. One of the worst dangers to this success is leftist ideals that want to destroy it all.

A top target for leftists is anything to do with faith. People who have religious beliefs are attacked by progressives who will cut off ways to make a living to punish those who disagree with liberalism. What has been great about recent years is more people taking a stand and not letting leftists beat them down. Faith matters and it provides a means to fight the left.

A federal court agreed with a Michigan farmer who was banned from selling his produce at a city-run farmer’s market. The court said he has a right to his faith and his beliefs about marriage.

From The Daily Wire:

Steve Tennes, who owns Country Mill Farms, was banned in 2017 from the East Lansing farmer’s market by city officials after he posted on Facebook that he follows the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage, which includes opposing same-sex weddings at his family’s orchard.

Tennes stood up to the leftist city action. He filed suit in 2017 and his legal team never backed down. There were no complaints against Tennes, and he participated openly in the farmer’s market. His team rightfully argued that the city decision didn’t hold water under the Constitution.

The left wants everyone to bow to their ideals or be cut off from society. Claims of “inclusion” and “equity” only apply to those who believe as they do and vow to follow without question. Tennes’ case against the city was finally decided on Monday in U.S. district court with a big win for religious beliefs.

“The reason is simple: denying a person an equal share of the rights, benefits, and privileges enjoyed by other citizens because of her faith discourages religious activity,” the court said, quoting the 6th Circuit appeals court.

The court also pointed out the overreach of the city in its ban on the farmer. Tennes’ farm is more than 20 miles away from East Lansing and city officials have no jurisdiction there over any of his operations.

Tennes made it clear that he serves and welcomes everyone at his farmer’s stand who wants to buy his produce. He doesn’t turn people away, because he follows his Country Mill farm mission statement: “glorifying God by facilitating family fun on the farm and feeding families.”

This is a great win for religious freedoms in America. The ruling follows consistent U.S. Supreme Court decisions over the last few years – think of the wedding cake maker and the Christian graphic designer – that uphold religious freedoms. Disagreeing with someone about marriage or gender does not give any level of government official the authority to punish someone for that disagreement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Court strikes down city banning farmer for religious beliefs.
  • Farmer stands firm in his defense against leftist overreach.
  • Federal court says city officials can’t deny religious freedoms.

Source: The Daily Wire

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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