Gingrich Blasts Top House Republican – Dooms Him with Just Three Perfect Words
Gingrich Blasts Top House Republican – Dooms Him with Just Three Perfect Words

Last Fall, Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz threw Congress into chaos. He moved against the Republican Speaker of the House, demanding he be removed from his position. Gaetz and a few other Republicans voted with Democrats to oust McCarthy.

That led to weeks of chaos and gridlock and Republicans scrambled to take over the job. It landed in the hands of Mike Johnson—who vowed to protect conservative objectives.

But since that time, the bills coming out of the House seem to favor Biden’s agenda. They just passed a massive spending bill that will add over $1 trillion to the national debt. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich is not pleased. And he is laying the blame on one man.

From The Post Millennial:
“We shouldn’t underestimate how bad what Matt Gaetz did was for the whole system. He unleashed the demons,” Gingrich claimed…

“He went after somebody who had raised $480 million, had gained seats for three elections in a row. And had drove Kevin McCarthy out of office. And from that point on, it has been a disaster…”

“Sooner or later you’re going to realize the bills have been worse since McCarthy was gone. The Democrats are in greater control.”

Newt Gingrich slammed Rep. Gaetz’s sabotage of the House of Representatives. For seemingly no reason, he moved to get rid of Kevin McCarthy—who had since retired from Congress entirely.

The result has been more bad bills that benefit Democrats. McCarthy said Gaetz “unleashed the demons” in the House. He even claimed Democrats have “greater control” with Johnson in the Speaker’s seat.

Despite being a “MAGA” Republican, Johnson has been unable to fight back against the Democrats’ agenda. The “bipartisan” bills coming out of the House have included many perks for Democrats and their pet projects. The latest bill includes billions in tax dollars for Democrat earmarks, including earmarks from dead senators.

Gingrich doesn’t seem to be upset with Johnson but with Gaetz. He got McCarthy kicked out—for seemingly little. Gingrich said that McCarthy was an asset to House Republicans, bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars and seats for the party.

Key Takeaways:

  • Newt Gingrich blasted Matt Gaetz for turning on Kevin McCarthy.
  • He said the Republican “unleased the demons” by voting against the former Speaker.
  • Gingrich said all the bills coming out since then have been “worse.”

Source: The Post Millennial

March 26, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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