Integrity is vital to accurate elections in the United States. Any attempts to manipulate elections can create exceptional problems with the free democracy that is foundational to the American way of life.
The number of people who can legally vote in an election is an important factor in maintaining the integrity of the election process. Election officials are mandated by law to maintain accurate voter rolls.
One of the key states in the upcoming 2024 presidential election is facing a crisis regarding its voter rolls. Republicans have challenged how state officials have managed the rolls and demanded that corrections be made.
From the Daily Caller:
The Republican National Committee (RNC) slapped Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguliar with a lawsuit on Friday, alleging that the state has “impossibly high” voter registration rolls.The lawsuit alleges that the state of Nevada is failing to maintain the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) which mandates that voter rolls must keep “clean and accurate voter registration records.” The RNC is alleging that according to their analysis, five of Nevada’s 17 counties have inflated voter rolls which they say indicates a violation of the NVRA, the lawsuit claims.
RNC Co-Chair Michael Whatley highlighted in a Monday press release flaws in the Nevada system. He stated that Nevada has universal mail voting and no voter ID requirement. The lawsuit alleges that at least three Nevada counties have more registered voters than they have adult citizens who are over the age of 18 which is “impossibly high.”
“Securing clean voter rolls in Nevada is a critical step towards ensuring that it will be easy to vote and hard to cheat,” Whatley stated.
The lawsuit also alleges that two counties have active voter registration rates that surpass 90% of adult citizens over the age of 18. That number “far eclipses” the voter registration rate nationwide and at the state-level in recent elections, the lawsuit stated.
The RNC has turned up the heat in legal battles against Democrats and methods used to gather votes during elections. As of March 14, the RNC had filed 79 election integrity lawsuits in 23 states in the 2024 election cycle to battle against “inflated voter rolls.”
Recently elected RNC Co-chair Laura Trump elevated to a higher priority efforts to work on legal ballot chasing operations. The RNC has partnered with popular conservative influencer Scott Presler to balance out the massive push during elections by Democrats to harvest ballots, something the GOP previously has not embraced.
“He has registered so many people in this country. I think he is fantastic. I want him on our legal ballot harvesting division,” Trump said while appearing on Benny Johnson’s podcast.
Key Takeaways:
- RNC hammered a Nevada state official with a lawsuit over “impossibly high” voter rolls.
- GOP leadership has stepped up efforts to fight Democrats with their own methods.
- RNC Co-chair Laura Trump introduced plans to increase legal ballot chasing operations.
Source: Daily Caller