Liberal Hollywood Star Stuns AOC – Slams Her for 1 Disturbing Statement
Liberal Hollywood Star Stuns AOC – Slams Her for 1 Disturbing Statement

Leftist politicians continued to criticize military actions by Israel against Hamas inside Rafah. The terrorist organization continues to hide behind innocent civilians living in Rafah. This has created dangerous situations when Israel takes out Hamas militants.

The leftists in Washington, D.C., don’t understand what happens when terrorists attack a sovereign state which has the right to defend itself. There is always a level of unwanted deaths in any war, and the Israel-Hamas war is justified after the massacre of 1,200 Israelis.

The idea that self-defense is justified doesn’t seem to cross the minds of leftist American politicians who are far removed from the war overseas. These self-serving D.C. loudmouths are only trying to stir up trouble when the attack Israel’s war moves. Attacking Israel came back to haunt one of the top liberals in D.C. when a Hollywood star slammed her disturbing statement.

From The Daily Wire:
Comedian Michael Rapaport slammed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) this week after the far-Left politician attacked Israel after the country defended itself from rocket attacks originating from inside Rafah.

Rapaport responded to AOC’s remarks in a video posted to X: “Today, this morning, Hamas from Rafah, you know #AllEyesOnRafah, from Rafa — Hamas, those s***ting pedophiliac, necrophiliac, arsonist, kidnapping creep c***suckers — shot rockets into Tel Aviv.”

Rapaport’s harsh comments were prompted after AOC tried to publicly shame Israel for attacking Hamas. She tried to paint the picture that Israel purposely attacked innocent civilians.

“The IDF’s attack on a tent camp of innocents in Rafah is an indefensible atrocity,” AOC claimed after the IDF responded to Hamas firing eight rockets into Israel over the weekend. She then tried to bring the U.S. president into the equation and encouraged to withhold money approved for Israel by Congress.

“This was done in open defiance of @POTUS’s red line and the ICJ’s call for a ceasefire,” AOC continued. “It is long past time for the President to live up to his word and suspend military aid.”

Rapaport quickly slammed AOC in a video he posted in response to AOC’s comments. His choice of words was at time vulgar and directed at AOC for her lack of support in fighting terrorists. He referred to Hamas as “those s***ting pedophiliac, necrophiliac, arsonist, kidnapping creep c***suckers” who shot rockets into Tel Aviv which was full of innocent civilians.

The comedian and activist pointed out that the Iron Dome missile defense system shot down the terrorists’ rockets. He also reminded his audience that AOC cried on camera when funding for the Iron Dome was approved by Congress. He shared a video clip showing AOC crying over the system that has saved thousands of Israelis from being murdered by Hamas.

Rapport burst out laughing at AOC crying: “F*** your tears. F*** the Squad. F*** Jamaal Bowman. F*** Ilhan Omar. F*** Rashida Tlaib. And f*** your whole f***in crew, you Jew-hating Israel anti-Zionist miserable motherf***ers.”

Situations like this where liberals are attacking other liberals gives the rest of the nation hope. Leftists must come to the realization there are some things – like fighting terrorists – that deserve careful consideration. Attacking Israel’s self-defense actions just to score media attention doesn’t help anyone.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Hollywood comedian torched AOC after she slammed Israel for attacking Hamas.
  • The leftist politician said Israel’s recent self-defense action was an “indefensible atrocity.”
  • Michael Rapaport laughed at AOC’s crying over support for Israel and called her “miserable.”

Source: The Daily Wire

June 1, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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