House Speaker Situation Just Spun Out of Control – Surprising New Candidates Leak Out of D.C.
House Speaker Situation Just Spun Out of Control – Surprising New Candidates Leak Out of D.C.

What’s Happening:

Congress has a full slate of business to take care of before the end of the year and it’s looking like much of the work will be rushed or not completed. The Senate is functioning with a narrow Democrat majority, but the House is in chaos because the majority Republicans can’t elect a new speaker.

Solutions for pressing issues such as the impending budget resolution next month and wars among U.S. allies are sitting idle. Republicans have not rallied behind a candidate after one leader quit the speaker race and another couldn’t get enough votes from his own party.

Now the list of potential candidates for House Speaker has ballooned among Republicans. Nine House Republicans, according to Fox News, are suddenly on the scene after Jim Jordan of Ohio was eliminated as a replacement last week. The list grew after a Sunday deadline for candidates to announce a run at the gavel.

More closed-door meetings are expected late today as Republicans gear up for another conference-wide election via secret anonymous ballot on Tuesday. The list of candidates is an array of GOP members. One candidate, Republican Study Committee Chair Kevin Hern (R-K), was quick to put his hat in the ring and appears to be a leading contender who wants a quick ending to the chaos.

From Fox News:
“We must unify and do it fast,” Hern said in a statement. “We need a different type of leader who has a proven track record of success, which is why I’m running for Speaker of the House.”

Hern’s competition includes Retired Marine Corps Gen. Jack Bergman (R-MI); Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL); Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN); GOP Conference Vice Chair Mike Johnson (R-LA); Rep. Dan Meuser (R-PA): Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL); Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA); and Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX).

The race could get even more congested with Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) hinting at possibly jumping into the fray.

Arrington may have summed up the GOP situation in the House better than anyone at this point.

“The greatest threat to our conservative agenda isn’t the Democrats – it’s disunity,” Arrington added. “The American people are weary of our dysfunction. At some point, we have to reunite as a Conference, refocus on our common cause, and get back in the fight for the future of our country.”

Whether he is elected speaker or not, Arrington is a voice Republicans should listen to as they continue this D.C. swamp-like nonsense where they can’t elect a leader. The People’s House needs to function on all levels quickly and Republicans need to make the best of their majority with the 2024 elections coming up quickly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republicans still haven’t elected a new Speaker of the House.
  • GOP majority hasn’t been able to unify behind one candidate.
  • Nine candidates have announced a run with more possible.

Source: Fox News

October 23, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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