Pop culture has been a target for comedians for as long as someone has stood on a stage and cracked jokes. Comedians found ways to poke fun at everyone in all levels of society.
In recent years comedians have been attacked for mocking the “accepted” culture of the day. They targeted what’s funny and the leftists came unglued about what they were saying.
This led many comedians to curb their enthusiasm when popping off. Canceling comedians has stifled free speech in this country.
The tide has shifted as long-time and well-known comedians are getting back in front of the public to stand up against the woke mob of cancel culture. World-famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld recently shut down a purveyor of woke attitudes who heckled his style of comedy.
The comedic slam took place when BuzzFeed interviewer Peter Lauria appeared on Jerry Seinfeld’s show and pointed out a surplus of “white males” on the Jerry’s other talk show, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.”
From Blaze Media:
“Take a look over here, Peter,” he continued, gesturing to the audience. “What do you see? A lot of whities!”“But I…” Peter restarted, but he was cut off again.
“Oh, this really pisses me off. People think it’s the census or something. This has got to represent the actual pie chart of America? Who cares?” Jerry fired back. “It’s just funny. Funny is the world that I live in. You’re funny, I’m interested; you’re not funny, I’m not interested.”
“I have no interest in gender or race or anything like that, but everyone else [is] calculating: Is this the exact right mix? … To me, it’s anti-comedy,” he concluded.
Seinfeld managed to keep the banter mostly light-hearted and funny, but Seinfeld put a fine point on rejecting meritocracy in society. Dave Rubin, who has dubbed Lauria an “asexual white weirdo,” commended Seinfeld’s response to the woke verbal attack against white men.
“Jerry’s answer there is absolutely right,” says Dave, “and we have seen wokeness destroy comedy, which is why there are very few funny movies any more or funny TV shows.”
Seinfeld’s take down of woke attitudes took all of 30 seconds and a few sharp quips. Lauria, and leftists like him, were quickly put to shame.
Comedians are realizing that leftists and their woke demands are setting the industry up for failure. Moments like this where a comedian defends the industry, and free speech in the process, are great to see. One of the best conversation starters is a funny joke, and people on the woke left should be treated to comedy at their expense more often.
It will be a much funnier world when people stop taking woke attitudes seriously and start treating for what they are – one big joke.
Key Takeaways:
- Jerry Seinfeld slams a leftist TV host by exposing the craziness of his woke claims.
- The famous comedian made it clear that the “pie chart” of America is bogus.
- Seinfeld described the criticism of a “surplus of white males” as anti-comedy.
Source: Blaze Media