Kamala Makes Most Jaw-Dropping Appearance Yet – Trump Supporters Outraged at 4 Sick Words
Kamala Makes Most Jaw-Dropping Appearance Yet – Trump Supporters Outraged at 4 Sick Words

If cringeworthy performances were gold medals, Kamala Harris would be an Olympic champion. The Vice President of the United States managed to embarrass herself yet again at the BET Awards. Her attempt to connect with the audience was more like watching someone trip over their own feet.

Trivia Question: What year did Kamala Harris become Vice President of the United States? Answer at the end of the article.

Kamala is known for her embarrassing word salads and her contempt for Trump supporters. And that’s why her popularity is even lower than President Biden’s. She always manages to say a lot without actually saying anything meaningful. This latest appearance was no different.

From Fox News:
“Madam VP Harris, I’m worried about the election. Women’s reproductive rights are on the line, our Supreme Court is on the line, our basic freedoms are being tested. Madam VP, I know you’ve been traveling across the country,” Henson said. “What are you hearing?”

“Yeah girl, I’m out here in these streets. And let me tell you, you’re right, Taraji. There is so much at stake in this moment. The majority of us believe in freedom and equality. But these extremists, as they say, they not like us,” Harris said, using a nod to rapper Kendrick Lamar’s popular song “Not Like Us.”


Kamala’s Pandering and Insulting Remarks

Kamala’s response was filled with her usual pandering and cringe-worthy attempts to sound relatable. “Yeah girl, I’m out here in these streets.” Really, Kamala? Who talks like that? It’s like she’s trying to mimic the language of the younger generation, but it just comes off as phony and forced.

And then, of course, she had to throw in a dig at Trump supporters, referring to them as “extremists” who are “not like us.” This is typical Kamala, always ready to insult and divide rather than bring people together. She doesn’t seem to realize that this kind of rhetoric is why people dislike her so much.

A History of Gaffes

Kamala’s appearance at the BET Awards is just the latest in a long line of embarrassing moments. Whether it’s her awkward laugh, her inability to answer simple questions, or her constant fumbling over her words, she has become a walking, talking meme.

People are starting to wonder if there’s anything she can do right. She was supposed to be the one to energize the base and bring a fresh perspective to the White House. She’s supposed to be capable of being President if Biden is incapacitated. Instead, she has become a liability and is obviously a terrible option to fill Joe’s shoes.

The Public’s Reaction

The reaction to Kamala’s BET Awards appearance was swift and brutal. Social media lit up with criticism and mockery. People were quick to point out how out of touch she sounded and how desperate she seemed to be for approval.

It’s clear that Kamala’s attempts to appeal to different demographics are falling flat. Instead of gaining support, she’s alienating people with her condescending and insincere approach. It’s like watching a bad reality TV show where the contestants have no idea how ridiculous they look.

The Impact on the Biden Administration

Kamala’s ongoing blunders are having a negative impact on the Biden administration. With Biden and Democrats facing a crisis with no apparent answers this summer, having a vice president who is constantly embarrassing herself isn’t helping matters.

It’s becoming more and more obvious that the Democratic Party made a huge mistake in choosing Kamala as Biden’s running mate. They needed someone who could appeal to a broad range of voters, not someone who is constantly putting her foot in her mouth.

The Bigger Picture

This latest fiasco is just a symptom of a larger problem within the Democratic Party. They have become so obsessed with pandering and virtue signaling that they have lost touch with the average American.

Kamala’s latest gaffe is just another reminder of why she’s so unpopular. It’s time for the Democrats to wake up and realize that their current strategy isn’t working. If they want to have any chance in the next election, they need to find leaders who can actually connect with the American people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kamala Harris embarrassed herself yet again at the BET Awards with her cringeworthy performance.
  • She managed to insult Trump supporters while failing to connect with the audience.
  • Kamala’s ongoing blunders are a liability for the Biden administration and a symptom of a larger problem within the Democratic Party.

Trivia Answer: Kamala Harris became Vice President of the United States in 2021.

When do you think Kamala will EXIT the White House?

Source: Fox News

July 1, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
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