Kamala’s Black Staffers Make Shocking Claims – Allege Mistreatment On Her Campaign
Kamala’s Black Staffers Make Shocking Claims – Allege Mistreatment On Her Campaign

Things just keep getting worse for the failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Just a few weeks ago, she seemed confident that she would soon become the first female president of the U.S.

Instead, Harris is a presidential loser who has undoubtedly spent the past few weeks desperately trying to figure out where it all went wrong. Just when Harris thought that things could not get any worse for her, some of her Black staffers have seemingly turned on her publicly.

Earlier this week, The New York Times ran a story entitled “How Alarmed Harris Staffers Went Rogue to Reach Black and Latino Voters.” In it, some of Harris’ Black campaign staffers are alleging that they were mistreated.

From Fox News:
“Many staff members felt that Philadelphia’s racially diverse neighborhoods were ignored,” the Times story reads, adding that “Black campaign staff members and political operatives said campaign leadership dismissed concerns that Democrats were taking their base for granted.”

As the election drew closer, the frustration with campaign leadership on the issue reached a boiling point, according to more than 30 staffers interviewed by The Times.

“After Ms. Harris’ loss, Black campaign employees set up a call to talk about career opportunities with Angela Rye, a political strategist and podcast host. The discussion quickly shifted as they shared their anger at how the campaign had treated them, and how underfunded and haphazard their field operations had been in several battleground states, according to a recording of the call obtained by The Times,” the article reads.

Staffers Vent Their Frustrations

Some staffers expressed anger over the Harris campaign not hiring more people of color. Others were upset that the Harris campaign didn’t contract with consulting firms owned by Blacks and Latinos.

An internal survey conducted by the Harris campaign found “that Black staff members were frustrated with campaign leaders and felt that their ideas were ignored at a rate far higher than their peers.”

“Some complained of outright racial discrimination,” The Times story continued. “The campaign’s leadership was made aware of the survey’s results.”

It seems that there was also an atmosphere of fear on the Harris campaign. Staffers said that many of them were too afraid to complain lest they potentially ruin future job prospects. It was even alleged that Quentin Fulks, the principal deputy campaign manager, blatantly told Black staffers that complaining to the media would hurt their future careers.

Given the fact that Harris ran a campaign based both on joy and being “woke,” this could, quite frankly, not be any worse for her. She was pitching herself as an inspiration as the potential first Black female president of the United States. Meanwhile, the Black staffers on the Harris campaign were struggling with mistreatment as they desperately tried to get her elected.

This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, however. Indeed, Harris has repeatedly shown that she’s a completely incompetent leader. If she couldn’t run her own campaign well enough to ensure that her Black staffers would be properly treated, how would she have ever been able to run the whole country adequately?

In the end, this serves as yet another reminder that America dodged a bullet when Harris lost this election. Thank goodness she won’t be our next president!

Key Takeaways: 

  • Black staffers on Kamala Harris’ campaign are alleging mistreatment.
  • These staffers felt ignored by campaign leaders.
  • They were also told that speaking to the media about their treatment would ruin their careers.

Source: Fox News, The New York Times

December 12, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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