Kamala Harris Comes Unglued When Confronted About Her Own Border Fails
Kamala Harris Comes Unglued When Confronted About Her Own Border Fails

Kamala Harris has had countless failures as vice president. However, many would argue that her worst failure is unquestionably the border.

One of the few tasks that Joe Biden actually gave Harris as his vice president was being his “border czar.” Since then, instead of making moves to fix the border crisis, Harris has only allowed it to get exponentially worse on her watch.

Because the mainstream media is firmly in Harris’ corner, she’s used to being given a free pass on her border failures. Thankfully, the Fox News host Bret Baier wasn’t about to do that when he got the chance to sit down with Harris on Wednesday night.

Not wasting any time, Baier kicked off the interview by asking Harris how many illegal immigrants the Biden-Harris administration has released into the U.S. during their time in power. In a typical Harris move, she attempted to dance around the question, something that the fawning liberal media typically lets her get away with.

Not Baier, however, as he fired back by pressing her on whether it was one million, three million, or more.

Let’s just say Harris didn’t take this well.

From Daily Wire:
When she again refused to answer the question, Baier responded that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that 85% of illegal aliens who were apprehended have been released into the U.S.

“I’m not finished!” Harris responded. “I’m not finished!”

Baier responded: “It’s a rough estimate of six million people have been released into the country. And let me just finish. I’ll get you the question, I promise you.”

Baier Doubles Down – Harris Unravels

Not allowing Harris to get the best of him, Baier proceeded to call her out for reversing many of Trump’s highly effective border policies. One of these policies required illegal aliens to be detained through deportation, either in the U.S. or in Mexico. Thanks to Biden and Harris, however, these illegal immigrants are now released from custody awaiting trial.

“So instead, included in those were a large number of single men, adult men who went on to commit heinous crimes,” he continued. “So looking back, do you regret the decision to terminate ‘Remain in Mexico’ at the beginning of your administration?”

Once again, Harris didn’t answer the question and instead tried to dance around it.

More from Daily Wire:
“At the beginning of our administration, within practically hours of taking the oath, the first bill that we offered Congress before we worked on infrastructure, before the Inflation Reduction Act, before the Chips and Science Act, before the bipartisan Safety Communities Act, the first bill, practically within hours of taking the oath, was a bill to fix our immigration system,” she claimed.

“Yes, ma’am. It was called the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. It was essentially a pathway to citizenship,” Baier responded.

Harris continued to try to interrupt Baier, but he would not be silenced. He pointed out that at the time, Democrats had control of the White House, Senate, and House. Despite this, they never took up the bill.

Check out this full exchange for yourself in the video below.

We must say that it’s refreshing to see Harris finally be held accountable by a member of the media!

Border Crisis Will Only Get Worse If Harris Wins

If Harris wins this election, the border crisis will likely get a whole lot worse. She’s had nearly four years to fix the border crisis, yet she’s done virtually nothing to help the situation. If Harris didn’t prioritize cracking down on the border as vice president, why would she suddenly start doing so as president?

Also notice how fast Harris deteriorates when confronted on her own failures. Just imagine how quickly she’d fold if she didn’t have the rest of the mainstream media so aggressively in her corner.

We applaud Baier for having the guts to call out Harris for just how badly she’s handled the border. If only more members of the media were brave enough to do the same.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Harris came unglued when confronted about her own border failures.
  • Harris was asked how many illegal aliens she and Biden have released into the U.S.
  • Harris desperately danced around the question, refusing to answer it.

Source: Daily Wire

October 18, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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