Kamala Harris Abandons ‘Joy’ – Takes Angry New Tone in Nasty Attacks on Trump
Kamala Harris Abandons ‘Joy’ – Takes Angry New Tone in Nasty Attacks on Trump

Within hours of Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race back in July, the Democrat establishment had anointed Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement. They did so without giving their own voters a say, yet the liberal media machine immediately fell in line and began fawning over Harris like crazy.

As soon as she started her run for president, Harris bizarrely went about running a campaign based on “joy.” Instead of laying out her specific policies, Harris laughed and smiled her way through her speeches as she preached to the public about the importance of “joy.” She did this while simultaneously labeling Trump and his supporters as being “weird.”

With less than three weeks to go before the election, however, Harris is throwing all that “joy” stuff out the window. With the race between her and Trump closer than ever, Harris seems to be getting desperate. That’s why she’s ditched being joyful and instead taken a new angry tone when launching her latest nasty attacks on Trump.

From Politico Playbook:
You can see the changeon the campaign trail, where Harris’ early emphasis on joy has given way to more direct verbal attacks on Trump, including playing video of him, AP’s Zeke Miller and Steve Karnowski report from La Crosse. You can see it on the airwaves, where a new Harris ad calls Trump “unhinged,” “unstable” and “unchecked” in a second term, NBC’s Monica Alba scooped. (Interestingly, this is all a bit of a return to Biden’s old anti-Trump messaging.) Reuters’ Jeff Mason and Nandita Bose report that the broader Harris strategy shift is an effort to play up her prosecutorial image and project strength to gain support from men and Republicans.

The video below is a prime example of the new tone that Harris is adopting. Indeed, this new Kamala Harris is completely devoid of the “joy” that she spent weeks preaching to us about.

Trump Fires Back

Never one to take things laying down, Trump wasted no time in firing back at Harris’ claims that he is “unhinged.”

“Unhinged is the way to describe Kamala Harris throwing open our borders to unvetted criminals putting the safety of Americans at risk,” said Trump senior advisor Brian Hughes. “Unhinged is her support for economic policy that has made life for Americans unaffordable and trade policy that favors foreign workers over America’s working men and women.”

Harris’ change in tone shows just how desperate she has gotten as Election Day nears. The Democrat establishment spent months trying to make it look like she had nothing to worry about when it came to beating Trump in this election, and she likely bought into that hype. The latest polls, however, show that this race is still incredibly close. It turns out that defeating Trump isn’t as easy as Harris and her fellow Democrats thought it would be.

Go figure!

Harris’ obsession with “joy” was also an insult to the American people after the harm that she and Joe Biden have done to this country. Under their regime, the economy has gone to shambles, and inflation has skyrocketed. Millions of Americans are struggling just to put food on the table, yet Harris had the nerve to tell the public to focus on “joy.” Quite frankly, “joy” is the last emotion that the average American is feeling these days.

In the end, we’re glad that Harris has ditched her “joy” strategy. Her new angry tone fits her perfectly, as it’s far closer to her true colors.

Key Takeaway:

  • Harris spent months preaching about “joy.”
  • Harris has ditched that to take on a more angry tone in attacking Trump.
  • Harris is getting desperate as Election Day nears.

Sources: Politico Playbook, Breitbart News, NBC News

October 18, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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