After Bill Maher Launches New Podcast Network – He Stuns Democrats with His First Host Pick
After Bill Maher Launches New Podcast Network – He Stuns Democrats with His First Host Pick

HBO host Bill Maher is no friend of Republicans. For decades, he has been an outspoken liberal who has attacked presidents, congressmen, and regular Americans. But in recent years, he has found himself to be an enemy of the very party he endorses.

As Democrats become increasingly leftist, Maher has spent more and more time criticizing that side. He has blasted liberals for attacking free speech.

And he seems to be no friend of “wokeness.” The famed host has just launched his own podcast network, a trend that many figures have embraced. He just signed his first host. And it happens to be the last person anyone was expecting.

From Daily Wire:
Comedian Bill Maher is launching his own podcast network and has reportedly hired conservative Sage Steele, a former ESPN anchor, to be his first host…

“I am looking for people who are not talking-point people,” Maher said. “I’m looking for people who don’t, before they speak, say, ‘What’s the right answer here?’”

Steele parted ways with ESPN last year after settling a lawsuit with the company in which she alleged that the network… retaliated against her for remarks that she made about vaccine mandates and that her free speech had been violated.

Bill Maher has signed Sage Steele to be his first host in his newly launched podcast network. Steele was a former EPSN anchor who accused the network of retaliating against her for questioning vaccine mandates. Steele has expressed views contrary to the left’s narrative, which appears to be why Maher picked her.

Maher praised the host saying, “like me, she pissed off Disney.” The HBO host said he wanted podcasters who are not “talking-point people.” It appears he wants hosts that will speak their minds, not tow a party line.

Recently, X owner Elon Musk canceled former CNN figure Don Lemon’s contract for just this reason. Musk claimed Lemon’s show was just CNN on social media. It seems the liberal continued to parrot talking points from the Democratic Party, instead of speaking his mind.

Podcasting has become a growing market for personalities migrating from the mainstream media. The platform has been popularized by comedians and other figures who want the freedom to say what they want without backlash from corporations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bill Maher is launching his own podcast network for “conservations.”
  • He signed his first host, former ESPN anchor Sage Steele.
  • Steele left ESPN after the liberal network threatened her free speech rights.

Source: Daily Wire

March 28, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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