Liberal Jon Stewart Just Betrayed the President – You Won’t Believe What He Said Biden Must Do
Liberal Jon Stewart Just Betrayed the President – You Won’t Believe What He Said Biden Must Do

Democrats have been quite divided lately, and they’re not sure where they want to land on this issue. Which issue is that? The fact that their guy, Mr. President, has some serious issues.

The party seems to be split on whether or not they are going to live in reality. Biden’s age is becoming a real factor, lets face it. Some democrats have chosen to ignore this fact and act like its not even something worth discussing even though its probably the single most important thing to discuss. Others are actually owning up to the facts which is quite refreshing.

Check out what notorious liberal Jon Stewart had to say:

“I know liberals say, ‘Don’t say Joe Biden is old’ — don’t say what people see with their own eyes! You can say it, he can’t hear us,” Stewart said.

“I know you know how f**king old he is, and I know you don’t want to say it because Trump is so scary, but he’s so fucking old,” he added. “When you watch him on television, you’re nervous, aren’t ya?”

That is some choice language from Stewart there, but he’s not wrong. Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring glaring issues with your candidate is not a real strategy. It might delay the issue but that’s about it. Sooner or later November will be here and democrats are going to have to own up to their choice.

Currently the party is acting like this won’t affect their turnout but its undeniable. Nobody is excited to vote for this guy. Surely even if that affects a few % of the vote that is going to be massive when you have a razor thing margin against Trump.

Jon went on to conclude a terrible fate for Biden (but good for the country)

“I’m not saying that Biden can’t contribute to society, he just shouldn’t be president,” he said.

Wow – there it is. He’s not even going to sugarcoat it. He’s just ripping off the band-aid and accepting reality. There is a lot about Jon Stewart that I don’t like, but out of all the Democrats on stage these days he can be refreshingly honest at times.

Unfortunately for conservatives, Trump isn’t that much younger than Biden. But, there’s still one big difference. Biden is showing his age VERY badly. Every day there is a new embarrassment that you just have to ignore because it can’t be explained. But with Trump, I don’t feel like we see the same degradation that we do with Biden. He’s able to speak quickly, he’s still got funny retorts, and still has that fire in him. That fire went out in Biden years ago…

At this point it’s full on Weekend At Bernie’s.

Source: Breitbart

May 7, 2024
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.
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