Bill Maher Unleashes on the Loony Left – Then Says 2 Words That Leaves CNN Host Stunned
Bill Maher Unleashes on the Loony Left – Then Says 2 Words That Leaves CNN Host Stunned

Bill Maher has been a champion of the left for years, but now he has become a critic of his like-minded crowd. Instead of the ever-present cheerleader for leftists, he is holding liberals’ feet to the fire on any number of issues.

He has been on a media tour promoting his book about how he as a comedian will shock people. He certainly shocked the leftists at CNN when he slapped the younger liberal generation in the face.

Maher called out younger leftists who tend to act like most people from the younger generations. They seem to think that the latest shiny new object is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Maher brought the young ones back to reality.

From The Daily Wire:
Over the weekend, Bill Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” told Fareed Zakaria of CNN that the ideas of leftists are “stupid.”

“They’re wrong, “Maher responded bluntly. “I mean, they’re wrong and the kids are crazy. It’s interesting, they have this idea the younger generation, maybe every generation does, that just because something is new makes it better and that’s not true. New is not synonymous with better.”

Maher said some people say he has changed just because he criticizes people on the left. He pointed out in his book that he hasn’t changed, and that he is still the “same unmarried, childless, pot-smoking libertine I always was. I have many flaws, but you can’t accuse me of maturing.”

Zakaria accused Maher of “sounding like an old-fashioned conservative.” Maher was quick to respond to the leftist media host’s criticism.

“I haven’t turned,” Maher answered. “Yes, people have said to me, you make fun of the Left more than you used to, and guilty. I have because the Left has changed.”

Conservatives shouldn’t get too excited about Maher turning on his own kind. He still openly attacks people on the right and anything about former President Donald Trump.

“I mean, the right doesn’t believe in democracy anymore,” Maher said. “I mean, they’ve thrown their lot in with the sociopath named Donald Trump, who only thinks elections count when we win. Okay, well, that’s worse.”

Maher did point out the ills of the left, specifically ideas of communism, getting rid of the U.S. Border Patrol and other law enforcement, and tearing down statues of great historical figures such as President Abraham Lincoln.

“It’s not that I’ve gotten old, it’s that your ideas are stupid,” Maher said.

He also noted that the “old days” in politics when leaders of the opposing parties could sit down and have a drink together are long gone. The country is too divisive.

“Can you imagine Joe Biden having a drink with Mike Johnson? It just would never happen,” Maher said. “When you hate people, you don’t listen to them. So, it doesn’t matter how reasonable they might be.”

The comedian said the divide among Americans is so deep that true unity may not be achievable.

“We have reached this place where each side thinks the other side is an existential threat,” Maher said. “That is just a terrible place to be. Because we find ourselves in this situation where both sides are literally siding with enemies of America rather than the opposition party within the country.”

This was a reference to members of the Democratic Party supporting Hamas-linked activists instead of working with Republicans to dispel the rising influence from the terrorist group on college campuses.

Key Takeaways:

  • Comedian and political activist Bill Maher said leftists are simply wrong in their thinking.
  • He has become known for calling out the ideas of leftists as being off track for America.
  • Maher said the days of civil discourse among U.S. political leaders are gone, likely forever.

Source: The Daily Wire

June 1, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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