Mayorkas Makes His Craziest Claim Yet – Then He Can’t Answer 1 Simple Question
Mayorkas Makes His Craziest Claim Yet – Then He Can’t Answer 1 Simple Question

One of the most high-profile appointments of Joe Biden is making the media rounds talking about the border crisis that is afflicting the nation. The influx of illegal aliens into the United States has strained communities across the country and caused continued suffering for Americans.

The crisis has grown to such a level that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faces impeachment from a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Biden’s policies have created what is rapidly becoming an unsustainable affliction on municipal budgets. Taxpayer programs and services intended for Americans are being shifted to support needs of poor illegal immigrants.

Opponents of Biden clearly state that his policies and the actions of Mayorkas are to blame for the illegal alien crisis. But, in the true spirit of Democrats, both are denying responsibility. Mayorkas won’t take the blame and he has avoided answering whether he deserves to keep his job.

From The Daily Wire:
Mayorkas claimed that allegations that the administration was “willfully” not enforcing immigration laws were “baseless,” but he could not say how.

Mayorkas did not answer the question (about keeping his job) and instead blamed Congress for the problem, even though the problem exploded the moment that Biden took office.

The secretary was peppered repeatedly about these issues during a Sunday news interview on NBC. Mayorkas faces being the first cabinet secretary in history to be impeached in almost 150 years. He remained defiant about his role and responsibility in the illegal immigrant crisis.

He previously admitted that more than 85% of migrants caught crossing the border illegally have been released into the U.S. while waiting for court dates. More illegals – millions under Biden’s watch – have entered through the southern border of the country than any other time in the nation’s history.

The secretary continued to deny responsibility for the border surge and blamed others. Biden himself has called the situation a crisis even as his subordinate continued to deny the crisis. That tuned changed during the interview as Mayorkas said the border “certainly is a crisis.”

Mayorkas didn’t give up his stance on blaming others as he added, “We don’t bear responsibility for a broken system, and we’re doing a tremendous amount within that broken system. But, fundamentally, fundamentally, Congress is the only one who can fix that.”

His defiance was outrageous as he still would not agree in the interview to Biden’s recent admission that the southern border is not secure. Mayorkas is the poster boy of elitist arrogance in Washington, D.C., and he is a fitting example of the failure of the Biden administration.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mayorkas made a crazy claim saying he and Biden aren’t responsible for the border crisis.
  • Biden’s appointee claimed the blame falls on Congress despite surges in illegal immigrants.
  • Mayorkas refused to acknowledge Biden’s admission that the U.S. border is not secure.

Source: The Daily Wire

February 13, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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