After McConnell Freezes Up Again – Americans Have Just 1 Critical Question
By Mick Farthing|August 31, 2023
After McConnell Freezes Up Again – Americans Have Just 1 Critical Question

What’s Happening:

In recent years, Americans have begun to notice a troubling trend in Washington. Many of their leaders appear unfit to lead. Some are of an advanced age, showing signs of age-related health problems. It appears that some of our top leaders are too old or too infirmed to lead–especially considering the massive load they carry as representatives.

Case in point, Mitch McConnell. You probably remember how, just a few weeks ago, he froze while answering questions. Some claimed he was suffering from one problem or another. But his office didn’t seem to provide a real answer to what happened. But, guess what just happened again?

From Fox News:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., froze for more than 30 seconds while answering reporters’ questions in Covington, Kentucky, on Wednesday.

“What are your thoughts on running for re-election?” a reporter asked McConnell.

“What’re my thoughts about what?” the GOP leader asked.

“What are your thoughts on running for re-election in 2026?” the reporter repeated.

McConnell stared blankly for 10 seconds before an aide appeared next to him and asked, “Did you hear the question, senator? Running for re-election in 2026?”

Once again, McConnell stared at reporters silently. It wasn’t clear if he had even heard the question offered to him. He simply stopped talking in what many will consider terrifying.

Americans were already discussing the need for term limits or cognitive tests. Now, they are very angry.

Numerous users took to social media to comment on McConnell’s second, public freeze (we don’t know how many times this might have happened behind closed doors). Most are calling for term limits or age limits for members of Congress. Others pointed out that a cognitive test might be in order, to rule out any ailments for those running for office.

Americans seem particularly upset that McConnell’s office has yet to offer an answer to these moments. People can speculate all they want, but we don’t know what is really happening. But we are safe in saying something isn’t right. A healthy person doesn’t freeze up while talking with someone. If McConnell is really “okay,” then he should provide medical records to prove it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mitch McConnell froze, again, while speaking with reporters.
  • This is the second time in as many weeks that he froze.
  • Users online used the moment to call for age limits and cognitive tests.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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