Minutes After Landing in Maui – President Biden Cracks a Bad Joke Nobody Thinks Is Funny
By Sean Kerrvin|August 22, 2023
Minutes After Landing in Maui – President Biden Cracks a Bad Joke Nobody Thinks Is Funny

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden thought he would be funny in Hawaii—but instead of nailing the punch line, he’s on the hot seat for being a jerk. The dimwit managed to insult everyone with a lost family member along with anyone who loves puppies.

More than 110 people have died from wildfires in Hawaii. The president finally decided to break away from his own personal time in the sun to visit the devastation in the Aloha state. No sooner than he opened his mouth and inserted his foot than people were ready to bid him goodbye.

Biden’s lackey staffers set up a walk and talk after the president landed in Maui on Monday in an attempt to showcase his personable and endearing spirit. It was as if Biden couldn’t wait to screw up again as he shook hands with some officials and stopped to pet a search and rescue dog. You know, the one finding all the dead people after a blistering and deadly wildfire.

Biden’s true self spewed out of his mouth as he attempted a joke based on the protective boots the dog was wearing. Prepare now for the face palm of astonishment.

From Fox News:

“You guys catch the boots out here?” Biden appeared to ask the press watching him. He smiled and said, “That’s some hot ground, man.”

This guy simply has no filter to stop his idiocy when it comes to compassion for Americans who are suffering. Social media users proceeded to scorch the president for his crass and ill-timed remark about the “hot” ground of a landscape that looks like the ashes left in the bottom of a firepit.

Harrison Metal founder Michael Dearing remarked, “Nothing says leadership like yukking it up with the human-remains-sniffing dogs.”

Conservative commentator Robby Starbuck wrote, “Imagine your loved one burned to death less than a month ago and when Biden finally visits after his TWO vacations, he jokes around about how hot the ground is. Sick.”

Fox News Radio host Jimmy Failla joked, “Biden landed in Maui and made a joke about how hot the ground was. Up next he’ll head to Pearl Harbor and order a round of Kamikaze’s.”

As we’ve had to repeat too many times, Biden has a pattern of mumbles and blunders whenever he speaks freely. The number of times he offends people seems to coincide with times of disaster where Americans are harmed.

Townhall contributor John Hasson noticed a pattern: “Maui: ‘Biden jokes about how hot the ground is’ Nashville shooting: ‘Biden makes ice cream joke’ Afghanistan: ‘Biden jokes about evacuation’ I’m sensing a theme here.”

Biden started his public blunders about Hawaii when he first replied “no comment” after being questioned about the rising death toll almost two weeks ago. As Biden stirred up painful emotions to the suffering people of Hawaii there were still more than 850 people missing. Biden’s staffers should remind him of that stat before letting try any new jokes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s joke about a dog falls flat during Hawaii visit.
  • Social media erupts after Biden’s “hot ground” wisecrack.
  • President shows pattern of insensitive and insulting jokes.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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