New Speaker Drops Gavel on Senate Dems – Shuts Down Liberals with Just 1 Word
New Speaker Drops Gavel on Senate Dems – Shuts Down Liberals with Just 1 Word

What’s Happening:

Democrats have already expressed their dislike for the new Republican Speaker of the House. Mike Johnson has apparently struck fear into the hearts of leftists.

After three weeks of gridlock, Speaker Johnson has vowed to return Congress to business. That includes critical spending deals that will keep the government funded.

But the new Speaker has made it very clear that he will not play Senate Democrats’ games. And he is giving them a clear warning of what is to come.

From Fox News:
Speaker Mike Johnson is warning that the House and Senate could be at an “impasse” on government funding if the Democrat-controlled chamber tries to force the House GOP to bringing dense multi-subject spending bills to the House floor…

Last year the Democratically-held Congress funded the government with one large omnibus spending bill, something a majority of Republicans oppose.

Speaker Johnson warned Democrats that they better support individual spending bills passed by the House. If not, they will be at an “impasse” and it could lead to a government shutdown.

Johnson blasted Democrats for pushing massive omnibus bills that hide billions of dollars of spending. House Republicans instead intend to pass numerous smaller bills that clearly state where American taxpayer dollars are going.

The new Speaker accused Democrats of being “irresponsible.” He said that Biden’s massive spending bills spent “too much” money, without accountability.

Numerous Republican lawmakers have demanded, for example, accounting for all the billions sent to Ukraine. Biden’s White House and the Pentagon could not provide detailed accounts for what has been purchased, despite demanding more money to fund Ukraine’s war effort.

Considering Ukraine’s long history of corruption, Republicans fear that much of the money sent to the nation has been squandered. Without an accounting for the spending, we have no way of knowing.

Democrats have their foot on the gas with even more massive spending bills. It seems they want to quickly ram through a bloated spending plan, before Americans can see what is in it. Speaker Johson in no way appears willing to support that kind of agenda.

But will Senate Democrats play ball and support the House’s small spending bills? So far, the House has sent five spending bills to the Senate. None have been voted on by the Senate. If funding is not passed soon, the government could shut down.

And despite Democrats’ blame shifting, it will certainly be their fault.

Key Takeaways:

  • Speaker Johnson called on Senate Democrats to support the House’s spending bills.
  • Republicans refuse to support a massive spending bill that hides wasteful spending.
  • The House has passed five smaller spending bills, but the Senate has refused to vote on them.

Source: Fox News

November 1, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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