New House Speaker Makes His First Big Move – And Nancy Pelosi Is Going to Be Furious
By Sean Kerrvin|October 4, 2023
New House Speaker Makes His First Big Move – And Nancy Pelosi Is Going to Be Furious

What’s Happening:

The only certainty in life is change, and this week has been filled with a topsy-turvy atmosphere in the U.S. House of Representatives. It began with the ouster of now former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and continued from the first moments his interim replacement grabbed the gavel.

A small group of Republicans, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL), called for McCarthy’s ouster and all Democrats present in the House voted with the rebel group to send McCarthy packing. House Speaker pro-tempore Patrick McHenry (R-NC) took the gavel and within hours made his presence known.

McHenry tossed two key Democrat leaders from their hideaway offices – former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D- MD). The order was to get packing and get out by Wednesday afternoon.

From Fox News:
Fox News Digital confirmed that House Speaker pro-tempore Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., gave the order to Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway by Wednesday. McHenry’s eviction order was one of the congressman’s first acts as the top House lawmaker.

Pelosi was apparently notified of the situation via email while traveling.

McHenry, who is a close ally of McCarthy, made it clear the Democrats had to get out of the offices. The offices were re-keyed and the former speaker’s hideaway office was being reassigned for “speaker office use.” These hideaway offices are common in the Senate but are considered a luxury only for select members of the House.

People are wondering if getting booted from the offices was payback for Democrats supporting the rebellious faction among the Republicans to oust McCarthy. How deeply Republican leadership is seething is yet to be seen as the GOP clamors to work through the process of electing a formal speaker replacement.

Several candidates, including House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (OH) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (LA), have announced intentions of pursuing the speaker’s gavel. Both have been heavily involved in investigations regarding Joe Biden’s family and alleged corruption.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gavel comes down quickly on Democrats’ prized offices.
  • Interim speaker of the house sends top rivals packing.
  • “Hideaway” offices of Pelosi, Hoyer now in hands of GOP.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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