RFK Jr. Fires Off an Eye-Popping Warning – He Predicts the Big Trump Plot Will Backfire Big-Time
RFK Jr. Fires Off an Eye-Popping Warning – He Predicts the Big Trump Plot Will Backfire Big-Time

Joe Biden is hurting across every voter demographic leading into the 2024 presidential election. He and the Democratic Party have been forced to feverishly scramble to move him forward against presumptive Republican nominee former President Donald Trump.

Democrats have been operating from a standpoint of doing anything possible to hurt Trump in the eyes of Americas. They have concocted political campaign lies and used the judicial system at all levels to attack Trump.

This all-out attack strategy may not achieve the desired result. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate in 2024, warned this plan may come back to haunt Biden. Democrats may be handing the election to Trump.

From Fox News:
“The Democratic Party’s strategy is to beat President Trump in the courtroom rather than the ballot box. This will backfire in November. Even worse, it is profoundly undemocratic,” Kennedy said in a post on X. “America deserves a President who can win at the ballot box without compromising our government’s separation of powers or weaponizing the courts. You can’t save democracy by destroying it first.”

Kennedy pointed how weak the Democrats are because they fear Trump. He has absorbed every attack by Democrats and grown stronger as a candidate with voters gravitating to him.

The independent candidate said Democrats “are afraid they will lose in the voting booth,” and then used the judicial system to try to undermine Trump.

“I’m also running against President Trump in this election. The difference is I’m challenging him on his record,” he said.

Democrats know that Biden’s record with the American people is week – he is at historically low numbers in polling on his approval rating – and that hard-working citizens want Trump back in office. Biden’s record is simply dismal in the eyes of the people, and he hasn’t been able to change that view.

Despite his conviction in the New York “hush money” trial, Trump is raking in donations for his campaign and the guilty verdict has helped him gain more voter support. Americans view the trial as a political hit job, and they don’t want a president like Biden in office who will use the court system to destroy an opponent.

If Kennedy stays in the race through November, Biden will likely suffer even more voter rebellion. Kennedy gives Biden supporters who are on the fence an “out” where they could vote for the independent and not Biden, but still not support Trump.

That would be another big win for Trump and bolster his voter tally to defeat Biden.

Key Takeaways:

  • RFK Jr. predicted that the Trump conviction will haunt Democrats in November.
  • RFK Jr. said the Democrat strategy to use the courtroom to attack Trump will backfire.
  • The independent candidate said weaponizing the courts only destroys democracy.

Source: Fox News

June 1, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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