After Ronna McDaniel Resignation Rumors Swirl – Trump Reveals Her Possible Replacement
After Ronna McDaniel Resignation Rumors Swirl – Trump Reveals Her Possible Replacement

Republicans struggled during key election seasons the past few years even as Joe Biden and Democrats failed in the public eye. GOP issues failed to resonate when voting against liberal policies mattered most.

The expected “red wave” in the 2022 midterm elections didn’t materialize and current financial support for the Republican National Committee (RNC) has lagged behind past election cycles. The RNC dropped to its lowest level of cash on hand at $8 million, the lowest it’s been in 10 years.

The one constant during these rough times for the GOP has been RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. She has been in the top leadership position in successful elections where former President Donald Trump was elected to the White House to more recent disappointing voting on the national scene.

Rumors have swirled in recent days regarding McDaniel’s status as the RNC leader. Trump himself hinted of a big change coming regarding her position and suggested a replacement. McDaniel set the record straight about her future.

From the Daily Caller:
“With a news cycle full of palace intrigue and speculation surrounding all of us, I want to take the time to reassure all of you that I am still hard at work as RNC Chairwoman and building a machine that will elect Republicans up and down the ballot in November,” McDaniel stated in a memo sent to RNC members this week.

She also stated that she and her staff are committed to their mission and “rumors to the contrary are simply not true.” She did leave open the possibility for a change saying if anything does happen it won’t be decided until after the South Carolina primary on Feb. 24.

That opens the possibility that RNC members could make a change ahead of the Super Tuesday primary elections in March. This is a slate of 16 states voting on March 5 with more than a third of all GOP delegates in play.

Trump suggested in a media interview earlier this week that there would be “some changes” at the RNC. The New York Times reported just days later that McDaniel told Trump she plans to step down after South Carolina. Her memo followed and stated nothing has been decided and she is still chairwoman.

According to the Washington Examiner, Trump recommended a replacement for McDaniel. He suggested that North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley take over the RNC.

With rumors swirling, RNC spokesman Keith Schipper said in a statement, “Nothing has changed. This will be decided after South Carolina.”

Again, that statement leaves open the possibility that change is at hand and any new leadership will need to hit the ground running. Super Tuesday will speed up the race toward selecting the GOP nominee with the general election in sight by then.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rumors swirled this week after Trump hinted that Ronna McDaniel will resign.
  • McDaniel said otherwise, stating she plans to lead the RNC past South Carolina.
  • Trump suggested the top RNC leader from North Carolina could take her place.

Source: Daily Caller, Washington Examiner

February 9, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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