Sanctuary City Residents Suddenly Revolt – Leftist Leaders Can’t Believe What They Just Did
Sanctuary City Residents Suddenly Revolt – Leftist Leaders Can’t Believe What They Just Did

What’s Happening:

For about two years, Democrats in Northern cities appeared to have no concern for the border crisis. Millions of migrants were entering the country illegally.

But because they were only a problem to border states, it appears liberals pretended like it wasn’t happening.

Then, Republican governors started moving migrants to Northern blue cities. Democrat mayors refused to deport these illegal crossers. Instead, they are making plans to house people who broke the law to come here. And now, residents of one major city have had enough.

From Daily Caller:
Chicago residents rejected housing more illegal migrants Tuesday evening at a Brighton Park neighborhood meeting…

The 10-acre empty lot at 38th and California was confirmed Monday as the intended site by city officials…

“Nobody asked us, nobody told us,” one community member said at the meeting on Tuesday. “We have a few thousand people here who signed their signature and said ‘no! We said no!”

Despite Democrats bragging about their cities’ “sanctuary status,” thousands of Chicago residents are protesting a new migrant shelter. They descended on an empty lot selected by the city to build a new shelter that would house about 2,000 illegal border crossers.

These Chicago residents, who are most likely all Democrat voters, were outraged. One claimed, “Nobody asked us” when discussing the migrant shelter plans. They claimed they had a petition with thousands of signatures rejecting the plans saying, “We said no!”

The site is only one of a series of “winterized base camps” being planned by relatively new Mayor Brandon Johnson. The previous mayor was voted out over increasing crime. Yet Johnson appears to be neglecting possible blowback from voters by welcoming more migrants.

New Yorkers have also protested plans to shelter, feed, and welcome tens of thousands of illegal immigrants. For three years, border states have been overrun by hundreds of thousands of illegal entrants, with small towns nearly destroyed by rising crime and chaos.

Yet large cities populated by mostly Democrats have been outraged when several thousand migrants end up on their front porch. These same cities had voted to become “santuaries” for illegal migrants years ago. Despite the backlash by these residents, it does not appear likely that the city will cancel its plans to bankroll these border crossers’ U.S. stay.

How this will affect upcoming elections in blue states, remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chicago residents protested the construction of a migrant shelter in their neighborhood.
  • Thousands signed a petition rejecting the plans. Some shouted, “We said no!”
  • This comes as Democrat mayors welcome tens of thousands of migrants, refusing to deport them.

Source: Daily Caller

October 28, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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